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Harry was the first to wake up, he got out of bed and put light pink sweats and a t-shirt.

He went downstairs and decided to make blueberry muffins, he went downstairs to see the boys snoring and spread out on the air mattress.

He smiled at how cute zayn was, he loves him with all his heart. He wouldn't want anything else in the world.

He went to the kitchen and listened to 'hello, goodbye' by the Beatles.

He hummed to the song as he mixed up the ingredients. He thought about zayn. Why did zayn want extra credit? Why was he working out? Football season wasn't until 1 month. Well I guess he just wanted to be prepared.

Harry just put the muffins in the oven when he saw zayn staring at him.

"Good morning! I'm ba-" zayn roughly kissed him, he soon pulled away and harry smiled.

"Is liam up?" Harry asked as he washed his hands.

"I don't know, I think he was still sleeping" zayn looked over to the living room to see Liam was still sleeping.

"Your makeup is different" zayn said as he looked at the gloss and pink eyeshadow Harry had. He wasn't wearing as much of heavy makeup he usually does.

"Oh I was thinking it was better to not wear as much makeup since it's not really good for my skin" Harry blushed as he stepped back.

"Oh" was all zayn said before going to his bedroom. Harry felt like he disappointed zayn, he never liked disappointing people.

Liam walked in and smiled sadly at Harry. "Good morning" Liam muttered as he sat beside Harry.

"What are you making?" He got closer to Harry, putting his arm around Harry's shoulder.

"Muffins" Harry said as he grabbed one. He lifted it up to Liam's mouth, he bit into and smiled.

"It's good" he said as he chewed, Harry giggled and got a plate and handed it to Liam.

"Thank you"

Zayn was in his room texting perrie. She soon called him and they started speaking.

"You think you can go out? I was thinking we could something, my parents aren't home" perrie said seductively.

Zayn has started cheating on Harry since yesterday, he saw perrie and just thought she was really hot.

"No, I gotta go" zayn hung up and threw the phone on his bed. He looked in the mirror with a guilty look on his face.

"I cheated on Harry with perrie"

"You what?"

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