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She was asleep when I opened my eyes. And she looked peaceful in her sleep despite the blood that stained her palms, the front of her shirt. Her eyes flew open the moment I moved to sit up. Not entirely asleep then. She stood quietly, her eyes scanning over my side and face.

I pushed myself to sit up once she leaned against the wall.

"If you won't lay down at least lean back. I don't want your stitches coming loose or undone."

I chuckled slightly. "You need to get cleaned up." I stood and she raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm fine."

I raised an eyebrow back at her. "You've got blood on your hands and shirt." I pulled a drawer open and threw a shirt at her, pulling one out for myself.

She caught it and looked at me. "I don't need it." She threw it back at me, watching my every move. It wasn't hard to tell that she was waiting to catch me if I fell.

"Can't you just listen for once?" I chuckled.

"You're one to talk. Now sit down before you tear your stitches." She set her head against the wall, tapping her heel.

"Aw what happened to the girl who cleaned up my wounds last night? She was quite nice and I'd like to see her again." I sat back on the bed and brought a knee up to my chest, setting my arm on my leg. There was an attempt to ignore the pain in my side that was quite obviously failed as she stepped towards me.

"If you won't lay back down let me look at your side. Then I'm gonna ask Ella if she can find anything to make the pain go away, or at least lessen it." Her hands were at my side in a moment, unwrapping the bandages she'd put on last night.

I just watched her quietly, noting the fact that she didn't seem to care that she was touching me. At first when she came here she'd barely look at me. Now she didn't seem to care that her fingers brushed over my skin.
"What even happened anyway? You never told me and I know you didn't tell Ella because I've been with you since you got back to the ship." She dropped the bandage on the bed next to me and looked up, brushing her hair over her shoulder slightly. Grey eyes met mine as she waited for an answer.

I sighed and shook my head. "Someone had been following us and once we got out of their sight I tried to hide us. Then I told you to run because I could tell by the way your hand shook when I handed you that dagger that you couldn't hurt anyone if it came down to it." I tried to meet her eyes. "So I watched to make sure that you got away before he came at me from behind. He had two knives. Hence, two wounds." I motioned yto my arm and side. "I got him down quickly and went to get back to the ship. I saw that you were there, talking to Ella and then you saw me. So I knew you were ok." I shrugged slightly only then realizing that she'd gripped my hand while I'd been talking. When I looked at her hand, her fingers quickly moved as she shoved her hand in her pocket, nodding.

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