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A light sparked in her eyes when I handed her the sketchbook and pencils. I could see the smile she attempted to hide, that she moved her hair to hide her face.  I had the sketchbook for years and never used it. I was glad to know it was now in the hands of someone who would actually use it. She tucked the items under her arm and looked up at me, those grey eyes flickering in the candle light of my cabin.
"Thank you." Those two words I never thought I'd hear from Lilah passed through her lips.
A slight smile crossed my own lips as I nodded. "Now, you're here to eat, not sit around and talk about art." I waved my hand, motioning for her to follow. The click of her boots was the only indicator I had that she did indeed follow me. A quick glance over my shoulder showed me that she kept glancing at the items she held, smiling. I pulled a chair out for her, across from my own.
I sat down and watched her hesitate slightly. A low chuckle passed through my lips. "Come now love, you should know by this point I have no intent of poisoning you."
She snorted and sat down. "Habit." She chuckled and set the sketchbook and pencils in her lap. We ate quietly, her occasionally shooting a question at me. I answered in half riddles to keep her guessing. She left immediately after eating, giving a quick goodbye. I just sat in my chair and closed my eyes for a few moments before hearing something up on the main deck. The crew was dining at this time so it couldn't be them. A scream came next and I was to my feet in a second. The sound cut off, became muffled as I ran up to the deck. A flash of black hair, of grey eyes crossed my vision for a half second. Lilah. Shit.


A hand clamped over my mouth, cutting off my scream. I stomped my foot down, trying to make enough noise someone would hear. I heard footsteps coming towards myself and whoever was holding onto me. The captain came into view in front of me as I thrashed in the persons grip, stomping down as hard as I could on their foot and driving my elbows into their gut.
"Let go of her!" A growl rippled from the captains throat. A blade was pressed against my neck and I froze. Gods please no. The blade was cold against my skin, my breathing quickening slightly.
"Hmm no. She's such a pretty thing, I couldn't bear to part with her." A deep voice called in response, his chest rumbling against my back as he spoke.  A hand brushed over my chin and I fought the urge to bite down on it.
"Get. Your filthy hands. Off of her." I swear a sense of, protectiveness slipped into his voice.
The arm of the man wrapped tightly around my shoulders, pinning me against him. The smell alone made me want to gag. The man behind me took slow steps backwards, dragging me with him. One word, one silent word formed at my lips. 'Please.' All it took was that for the captains face to soften slightly as he ran at us. The man behind me moved faster. One misstep sent us both off the ship, falling into the frigid waters below. I opened my eyes under the water, looking in the direction I knew was up. What I saw, a piece of the rigging falling from the mast and straight at me. It struck the side of my head and everything went black.


Shit. I ran to the edge of the ship, peering into the water. I saw exactly where they fell in, the ripples still moving steadily. There was one thing I didn't see though. Someone. Lilah

A/N:We got a lil bit of a chaotic chapter lmao. It's a lil short, my bad!

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