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I stayed silent, just looking at him. Orange-red hair brushed over his forehead, a scar crossed over his left eye.

"Hungry?" He waved his hand over the table in front of us.

"Why would I take anything you offered me? You kidnapped me." A growl laced into my voice, my hands gripping the arms of the chair I was sitting in.

"Correction, my sailors kidnapped you. I gave them no order to find nor take you." He shrugged, leaning back in his chair.

"You could've ordered them to not take anyone they came across so therefore I am still here because of you."

He let out a low chuckle. "What's the fun in that?"

I leaned forward in my chair and growled slightly. "You have someone close to me on this ship. Why."

"Oh the boy in the brig? You know him?" He shot a smirk at me.

"Yeah, I know him and I want him off of this ship and back home."

"Alright then love, let's make a deal. He gets off this ship, tonight, goes home if,"

"If what?" I narrowed my eyes.

"If you agree to stay here, with me." His words replayed in my head. Stay here and James goes home. My brother would hate if I agreed to this. Agreed to stay here so he could go free. I knew the pirate was reading my expression. "I'll give you a minute love." He smirked at me, picking up a fork. "And eat, you're no use to me dead."

"What use do you have of me?"

"I don't know yet but, I'm sure I'll think of something." There was a slight purr in his voice that caused me to press my back against the chair.
"Well, will you be staying with me here?"

I sighed. Sorry James. "Yes. I'll stay here. But, I want to watch you let him off this ship."

"Do you not trust me?"

"Why should I? You're a pirate."

"I may be a pirate but I don't go back on my deals. You stay here and that boy goes free. That's our deal and I'll be sure to hold my end of it."

"I want to watch him step off of this ship." Demand curled into my voice. "Or there is no deal."

His chuckle rang through the air. "Very well. Eat, then I let him out and you can say whatever goodbyes you want. He goes and you stay."

"Good." I picked up the fork that was next to the plate in front of me.

"It's not poisoned. If that's what you're worried about." He leaned over and stabbed a piece of meat off my plate, sticking it in his mouth. "See?"

I rolled my eyes. "Forgive me if I don't trust the food a pirate has served to me."

He only smirked in return. We finished our meal in silence.
"We've finished our meal. Now let my brother off of this ship." I stood and braced my hands on the table.

"Very well. Ella!"

The captains first made slid into the room. "Yes captain?"

"Get the boy from the brig. We're letting him off the ship."

"But captain-"

"Do not question my orders. Go get him and meet us on the main deck."

"Yes captain." She nodded and left.

"Follow me then. I suppose you'll want to say goodbye." He stood and walked out, me following behind him.

The second we reached the deck James ran at me, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"Lilah what did you do?"

"I stay here and you get to go home." I murmured, hugging back.

"Lilah you didn't." He gripped my shoulders and looked at me.

"I did James. I'm sorry." Tears welled in my eyes. "Tell everyone I love them, ok?"


"Go. James. Go, I love you ok? Go." I wiped my eyes.

He hugged me tightly. "I love you too Li." He let go after murmuring something in my ear. "I will get you off of this ship. I promise."

I nodded. "Go James. Go home."

My brother squeezed my hand before letting go and walking off the ship. In a last effort I dove after him, only to have two people grip my arms.

"That wasn't part of our deal love." The captain chuckled. "Though I'll let it slide."

James turned to me.

'I'm sorry.' I mouthed, tears falling from my eyes.

'I'm sorry too.' He mouthed back, turning once again and continuing to walk.

I fell back on my heels, tears falling and my arms still stuck in those tight grips.

"Toss her in the brig. She needs her rest. Get her a change of clothes too." The captain, whose name I still didn't know, waved his hand. I just let them drag me to the brig, which smelled of stale alcohol. Once I heard the click of the lock I started sobbing. My brother got freedom, I shouldn't be crying. I gave up my freedom for him and I'd be stuck here for who knows how long. My body shook with sobs, my throat becoming sore as ragged breaths escaped my chest. I was truly, Alone.

A/N:Once again it's short but I'm working on getting into more major things so right now the chapters may remain short. Sorry!

Spencer, Ella, James:
Lilah is my own

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