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I couldn't see, which was odd seeing as it hadn't even been dawn when I left home. Now if I looked up at the sky I'd see the moon. I couldn't remember what had happened? Had I fallen asleep? I realized I was being dragged, my hands and ankles bound tightly. I made to cry out, to yell for help but a gag was roughly shoved into my mouth. I could hear voices, they weren't loud enough to hear what they were saying but they were definitely there. The smell of salt water filled my nose. The docks. I twisted in the heavy grips of whoever was holding me, trying to make them drop me. Their grips only tightened, causing me to wince. Their hands left my arms and the side of my face met wood. I cried out slightly as the gag was ripped from my mouth.

"Bring her to her feet." A heavy, demanding voice said. Who the voice belonged to, I didn't know. I didn't care. Hands gripped my arms and dragged me to my feet.

"Get your hands off me!" I struggled against their grips that only tightened. "Let go of me!" 

"You heard her, let her go." The voice from a moment ago called, amusement laced in that voice. The hands released me and I fell to my knees, wincing slightly as a hand gripped my chin, forcing me to look up. Green eyes stared into my grey ones. I recoiled at the touch.

"Don't touch me." I breathed, my voice carrying a hiss. Every time I pulled at the ropes that bound my wrists behind my back, they only seemed to tighten.

A low chuckle. "Don't hurt yourself girl." The man in front of me turned. "Toss her in the brig. I'll deal with her later."

My arms were grabbed once again and they started to drag me off. "Who are you!"

He turned back to me. "Call me Captain." He shot a smirk at me before walking off. Two people dragged me to the brig, untying my wrists and ankles before tossing me in and locking the door. I looked at my arms in the dim light, bruised and red. I looked around and saw a figure lying on their side, their back to me. They seemed familiar and I couldn't figure out why though. I threw myself at the door before sighing.

"It's useless. I've tried." At the voice I turned. I knew that voice. That was a voice I hadn't heard in a long time.

"James?" My voice wavered with uncertainty. I thought he had died two years ago when he vanished.

He sat up, turning slightly. "Lilah? Lilah oh my gods." I threw myself at him, clinging to him tightly.

"We thought you were dead." My voice cracked. "We thought you were dead." I murmured again.

My brother wrapped his arms around me. "Why are you here? Li why are you here?"

"I don't know. I left home just before dawn and the next thing I knew, I was being dragged to the docks." I looked at him. "Is this where you've been all this time?"

His red hair hung in front of his eyes, far longer than it had been when I last saw him. He nodded. "Two years. Two years I wondered what you thought happened."

I hugged him tightly. "We'll get out of here. I promise."

His arms stayed around me tightly. "I hope you're right Li. I hope you're right."

I guess I dozed off because a grip on my arm pulled me from any sleep I may have gotten. My yelp must've pulled James from his sleep as well as his eyes snapped open. I winced as whoever's hand it was tightened on my upper arm.

"Let go of her." My brothers voice was heavy from sleep as he sat up.

"The captain wants to see her." The voice was female, sounded younger than I am.

"I don't care what he wants, get your hands off of her Ella." My brother wrapped his arm around me.

"Fairchild." Both my brother and I's faces whipped towards her. A low chuckle. "Oh this is fun. Brother and sister, both stuck here. The captain will love this. Now, let go of her. You know he gets what he wants and now, he wants to talk to her."

I watched as my brother studied her face before sighing and letting go of me.

Ella pulled me to my feet, gripping my arm tightly.

I walked with her, more being dragged by her than anything. Standing in front of where we stopped was the captain.

"Welcome," he turned towards us, Ella's hand still gripping my arm. "Aboard the Bloody Salmon."

A/N:It's short butttt yay chapter 1!

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