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My heart was pounding as we drew nearer to Drewblack.


Home. To Sun and James, to my parents. I was so close..

And yet, part of me felt sad. I'd grown to enjoy my time here, I'd made friends in Emily and Will.

Hell I'd grown to enjoy Spencer's company. Even if it was just because I'd been injured and ended up staying in his cabin.

The truth is.. I'd miss this place.

I heard someone step up beside me, and I didn't have to guess who it was.

"You ready to go home?" His voice seemed oddly strained as he spoke, his eyes trained on the sea.

"As I'll ever be I suppose." I nodded, a small bag of my things resting on my shoulder.

He nodded. "Go back to your home Lilah. Forget me, and forget everything you've had to go through here."

"Okay." He had sounded so sad when he spoke, I wanted to find some way to comfort him, but I knew I shouldn't.

As he moved towards me, I caught of glimpse of the ring I'd given him, strung on a chain around his neck. The sun had glinted off the metal just enough for me to see it, and truthfully I was surprised he still had it.

He seemed like he was going to say something before looking to the dock, a plank lowered down. "Go home. You're free." He said quietly, turning and walking off before I could say a word.

"Lilah!" I turned to see Emily half jogging towards me, pulling me into a hug. "I wanted to say goodbye before you left. I know we haven't known each other that long but."

"I get it." I hugged back lightly. "You've been a good friend Emily. And who knows, maybe our paths will cross again someday."

"Maybe." She smiled a bit and pulled her dagger off her thigh, sheath and all. "Here. Something to remember me by." She joked softly.

"You sure?" I blinked, taking it into my hands.

"Yeah, I've got plenty of knives anyway, and I wanted to give you something." She smiled and squeezed my hand lightly. "Go home Lilah, go be with your family." She smiled a bit.

I nodded softly and walked down onto the dock, pausing to look back at the ship. I found Spencer on one of the rope ladders that lead to the crows nest, looking out at the horizon.

My heart began to ache as I watched him for a moment. I let myself look at him for a minute before turning on my heel and walking off the dock, heading home.


I didn't feel like I was going home.

But I kept walking, each step somehow feeling heavier than the last.

By the time I reached my home, I wanted so badly to just sleep.

I knocked, and a moment later a very tired looking Sun opened the door, blinking. "Li-"

"Hey Sun." I smiled a bit and set my bag down, moments later being pulled into a tight hug.

"You're okay- how did you escape-?"

"I didn't. He let me go." I murmured, feeling my heart sink as I spoke, holding onto her.

"He let you go?"

I nodded as she lead me inside, and I was immediately pulled into a hug by my mother. "Mum- can't breathe very well-"

Her grip loosened slightly but she didn't let go. "My sweet girl."

"I'm okay." She pulled back softly, brushing my hair from my face.

James walked over, hugging me gently. "What's wrong Li?" He murmured in my ear. "You don't seem overly happy to see us."

"I'm okay James." I leaned into him a bit, closing my eyes.

"You met someone." He said softly.

"What?" Sun blinked. "Li?"

"I.. I did." I took a half step back, looking down. "I'll be okay though, I'm home, I'm with all of you again." I looked to my family, smiling faintly.

"You're sad Li." James said softly. "Do you want to go back to them?"

"Lilah, if whoever this is makes you happy, go back to them. We'll be okay." My mom smiled lightly, squeezing my shoulder.

"Are you guys sure?"

"Lilah, go. We'll be okay. Just write okay?" James pulled me into a hug, smiling gently.

"Okay." I hugged back before hugging both Sun and my mom. "I love you guys."

"We love you too Li, now go." Sun smiled, ruffling my hair.

I smiled before taking off, grabbing my bag and the dagger Emily had given me, running for the docks.

My heart pounded in my chest as I ran, awaiting getting to see them again. Emily, Will.. and Spencer.

I couldn't help but smile as I moved, my hair falling loose from its braid.

When I finally made it to the docks, I stopped. Looking around I realized it.

They were gone...

I'd missed them..

I was too late. They must've left almost as soon as I was off the ship.

I watched the sea as I dropped down to my knees, my fingers moving to the necklace Spencer had given me.

And now.. now I feel more alone than I ever did when I was on the ship.

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