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    There was a throbbing pain in my side as I pushed myself to sit up, scanning my surroundings. Spencer's cabin. I leaned my head back against the wall, trying to draw the events from between me getting stabbed and me passing out to the front of my brain. There was only one thing I could really remember, Spencer's voice. I felt a something squeeze my fingers slightly, so I glanced down at my hand. Spencer was on the floor leaning against the bed. His head resting against the mattress and his torso wrapped in bandages. He was shirtless but then again, he probably just hadn't bothered with a shirt. Reaching out I brushed my fingers through his hair. He seemed so tired, not that I blamed him. I moved to curl back up on my side, trying not to wake him.

   He stirred anyway and bolted to sit up a moment after his eyes opened, hissing slightly. "Lilah- Thank gods. Are you okay?" His eyed seemed to scan over me, looking for any other sign of injury.

    "Aside from the fact I got stabbed? Yeah, I'm fine." I chuckled slightly, the action making me wince. I tipped my head back against the bed, biting my lip. "Shit-"

    He frowned slightly. "You're not in too much pain?"

    I shook my head. "I just moved wrong I'm fine. Quit worrying so much. Someone might think you care about me." I joked slightly, watching him.

    "I'll always worry about you." He said softly. "That's just how it is." He brushed his thumb over my knuckles lightly, seeming to not realize what he was doing.

    I hid my smile before frowning slightly as he hissed, biting his lip. I pushed myself off the bed, ignoring the pain in my side as I moved behind him.

    "Lilah you need to rest- get back in bed." He tried to catch my hand but missed, sighing slightly. "I'm fine."

    I frowned, blood starting to soak through the bandages on his back as he shifted. "I'm gonna take a look at them." I moved, taking the bandages off.

    He sighed, knowing there was no point in trying to stop me.

    I scanned his back, blood dripping from the deeper lashes over his skin. "I'm going to clean them, then I'll rewrap your back alright?"

    He just nodded, leaning his head against the bed.

    I cleaned the wounds quietly, his back tensing under my touch slightly before I rewrapped his torso with bandages, lightly ruffling his hair. "There. Now get in your bed and rest."


    "No. You need proper rest Spencer. I'll be fine for the night. Okay?"

    He nodded slowly and got up, gritting his teeth slightly as he laid on his stomach on the bed.

    I pulled the blanket over him and took his spot on the floor, laying my head on the mattress. I yawned slightly and watched him, watched him study me for a moment before my eyes started to droop, fingers closing around my hand as I fell asleep.

((Sorry its short, I wanted to get it out 😅


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