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I let it all spill out. Everything. I hadn't thought there was as much to tell. The pain, the anger that laced into my voice with every word just made it worse as I told him. I looked at him, staying dead silent. He said nothing for a few minutes. He studied me. I allowed myself to show a flicker of emotion, I let the pain cross my face.
"Your brother wasn't here for two years." His words sent my eyes straight at him. "He was only here for six months. The year and a half before that, I have no idea where he was. He never spoke to anyone while he was here. We learned his name and nothing more. Until you got here."
His words replayed in my head. Wasn't here for two years. I didn't know how I should react. Where had he been then? Not like I'd get the chance to ask.
"He never said where he had been. We found him clinging to a piece of driftwood miles from the closest shore. Pulled him on board, he told us his name then passed out." 
I nodded quietly. His words shot through me at the same time questions formed in my mind. Where the hell had he been then? Why didn't he tell me? "How about you, pirate? What's your story?" He knew basically everything about me so it was only fair.
"Not one that I tell." He leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table. His smirk somehow infuriated me. Stupid cocky pirate bastard.


"Not one that I tell." I leaned forward, my elbows on the dark wood table. A smirk played at my lips and she looked absolutely infuriated. Honestly I'd rather she hate me than feel nothing. It's more fun that way. Even if she hates me, it didn't change the fact I was drawn to her. The fire that had yet to die in her flicked across her stormy grey eyes.
"You're a real bastard you know that?" She leaned back in her chair and a small hint of a grin danced across her lips.
"I try." Part of it was me trying to distract her, distract her from the thoughts of her brothers that remained in her head, that hurt her at the moment.
"I was told I'd be joining you for dinner so I'm assuming there would be food." She blew her bangs out of her face and looked at me.
"Ah yes, right this way milady." I let a teasing tone slip into my voice. I couldn't tell if it pissed her off or amused her.


He amused me. Whether he meant to or not. Fine, play with me. I watched him stand from the chair behind his desk. A hand extended to me and I raised an eyebrow, smirking to myself. If I'm going to be stuck here for a while might as well keep myself amused.
A low chuckle from the captain. "You are interesting aren't you?"
I crossed my legs and rested my elbows on my knees, my chin in my hands. "Hmm I try." If leaving wasn't an option I may as well make the most of my time here.
He chuckled again, a grin playing at his lips as he walked off. "You going to join me?" He called over his shoulder.
I stood and followed him, I scanned his cabin, just looking to see what all was there. Notebooks were scattered around, a shelf full of books. He didn't have many things that seemed all that personal. A small wooden tiger statue sat on the top of the bookshelf. A notebook sat open on the table and my curiosity got the better of me. I peered down at the page. There wasn't much, just a few sentences.
"And here I was thinking that you didn't find me at all interesting." He was peering over the shoulder and I swung my hand up, aiming for his jaw. He caught my wrist easily and chuckled. "Valiant effort." He let go of me before glancing down at the pages I had been looking at and picked them up.
"I didn't know you were a writer." In all honesty, he didn't seem the type.
He shrugged. "Everyone has something they do to pass time. I'm sure you do as well." He tucked the papers into a drawer.
I shrugged back. "Reading and drawing."
He turned back to me. "Drawing?"
I nodded. "Yep. Used to do it all the time."
"Used to?" There was no hiding the questioning tone of his voice.
"Haven't drawn since James vanished." It wasn't a complete lie. In the months after he vanished I had tried to draw. I just couldn't. "Couldn't bring myself to draw, to do something I enjoyed while my brother was gone." I shrugged.
"And now that you know, would you draw again?" He leaned against the wall, his arms crossed.
"Maybe." I honestly didn't know. Drawing was something I truly enjoyed and was actually good at. Maybe if I wasn't here, maybe the fact I am here would be a good reason to start again.
He walked off and I didn't know whether or not to follow, though he came back a moment later, holding something out to me. A sketchbook and a few pencils. I looked between his face and the things in his hands.
"Take it. I have no use for them." After I moment of studying his face, trying to see if his offer was genuine, I took the sketchbook and pencils, tucking them under my arm.
"Thank you." Those were two words I never thought I'd utter while on board this ship.
He gave a nod. "Now, you're here to eat, not to sit around and talk about art." He waved his hand in the air and walked off, motioning for him to follow. I did, occasionally glancing at the items I now held. I was glad to have something to do. Whether I had done it in years or not.

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