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Sitting up I brushed my hair through my hair, looking around. I was in fact in my cabin on the ship. And my dream- I shook my head. Stupid dream. I brushed a hand over my lips. A dream. The captain had- no. It wasn't real. None of it was. The redness of my wrists, I must've hurt myself in my sleep. I slid my legs off the bed and stood, my footsteps near silent as I went to grab my boots. I slid them on and pulled the door open, sliding a hand through my hair before walking out and onto the main deck. Some members of the crew watched me before going back to their work. I sat on the edge of the railing slightly, just looking at the water. A few minutes later a figure appeared beside me.

"Careful. We wouldn't want you to fall in." The captains words filled my ears and I stood, turning to meet his face. His usual smirk played at his lips and his hair brushed over his forehead.

"Hmm well, if I fall in, I suppose someone will have to get me won't they?" I joked, humming slightly to myself.

A slight chuckle. "Hmm I suppose so."

"I had a dream last night." I clicked my tongue slightly.

"Did you now?"

"I did. And it felt quite real."

"It does not do to dwell on dreams Love." He glanced at me, bracing his hands on the railing.

"Hmm true." I nodded, drumming my fingers on the railing slightly.

"We're pulling into port today. Gathering supplies. Care to go to town with me?" He asked, turning to look at me.

"You'd actually let me off the ship then? Figured you'd be worried I'd run." I joke slightly.

"Do you intend to try and run?" He cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Not if this town isn't the one I know like the back of my hand." I shrugged, blowing my bangs out of my eyes.

"Hm then I'm not worried about it. So will you be joining me?"

"Why not?" I shrugged. "Could be nice to get off this bloody ship for a bit."

"We'll be there in about twenty minutes. Meet me on the main deck." He said nothing else to me as he walked off again. I just looked out at the water for the next twenty minutes before walking onto the main deck. A figure appeared next to me. Spencer.

"Hello." I spoke without turning.

A small leather pouch was held out in front of my face. "A bit of money. Spend it as you will." The captain hummed slightly and dropped the pouch into my hand.

"Thanks-?" I tilted my head and tied the pouch to my belt.

A soft chuckle. "What type of host would I be if I didn't let my guest buy herself something nice?" He smirked at me.

"Ah so I've gone from prisoner to guest then?" I joked, crossing my arms and chuckling.

He snorted quietly. "It would seem so." He glanced up. "Come on then. A few members of the crew are going to town as well. You stay with me. Wouldn't want you getting lost now would we?" He joked.

I nodded slightly. "Alright then. Lead the way. Captain." I joked.


"Lead the way. Captain."

I shook my head fondly and stepped onto the dock, gripping her hand slightly as she followed me. I let go of her hand before turning to the crew. "You know what to do." I nodded my head to them and they left before I turned to the girl next to me. "Shall we?" I gave a joking bow as she snorted.

"Lead the way then." She smiled slightly.

I nodded and started walking, her matching my pace. Once we reached the town she started looking around quietly, not once leaving my side.
"I'm gonna pop over here for just a second." Lilah motioned to a vender on the side of the street. I couldn't tell what they were selling but nodded.
She walked off and came back a few minutes later, tucking a small package in her pocket.

"What'd you get?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Hmm you'll find out later." She shrugged. Gods this girl.

I shook my head and chuckled. "Fair enough."

She tucked her hands in her pockets and glanced around. "We need to go." She murmured, her voice low.


"Couple of guys that used to live in my town. Did something to piss em off and they've had it out for me since." She shrugged.

"You have enemies?" I was genuinely curious how she of all people could have people who disliked her.

"Doesn't everyone?" She asked. "Now, we need to go before they-"

"Ah! Lilah." A voice called out.

"Too late." She sighed, turning. "Lucas, John, long time no see eh?" She tucked her hands in her pockets, relaxing her shoulders.

"How'd you end up so far from Drewblack there Fairchild?" The blonde one of the two asked, looking entirely unamused.

"Ah well, that's my business, not yours isn't it?" She hmmed and looked up, amusement dancing in her eyes.

"It is our business when you owe us." The dark haired male spoke for the first time.

"And what, pray tell, could I owe you boys? Still embarrassed that I one upped you in who could swim the fastest? It's not my fault you got caught in the fishing net." She shrugged.

"Whose your friend?" The blonde one, who I had gathered was Lucas, glanced at me.

I smirked. "You don't want to know me."

"Oh really?" Lucas chuckled. "And why is that?"

"Because last I checked, you were afraid of pirates." Lilah chuckled.

His eyes shot to me again. "A pirate-? You can't be serious."

"But I am. See, this pirate, is a captain and at least half of his crew is nearby. One order and they'll all be here." Lilah smiled a mocking sweet smile and the two boys quickly nodded and ran off. The girl beside me let loose a breath. "Gods." She brushed a hand through her hair before glancing at me. "Thank you for playing along." She mumbled.

"I don't let my treasure slip through my fingers Love." I hmmed and nodded. "Which means I won't let you slip away either."

She snorted and nodded. "Didn't realize I was part of your loot." She joked.

I chuckled and shrugged.

A/N: And that's the end of chapter 12! Hope you liked it!

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