Chapter 16

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I woke up and basked in the wonderful warmth Luin generated. Usually my blankets stayed cool at night no matter how many I piled on myself.  Luin was like a heater, though, and I woke up cozier than I'd ever been before in my life.

I rolled over and saw him still fast asleep, hugging a pillow against his chest with his face tucked into it. I was torn between waiting him out so we could get up together and getting a start on breakfast, but after only a few seconds of debate, I slipped out of the bed. Luin liked to sleep in, and even once he was awake, he didn't like to get out of bed right away. If I stayed here, there was no telling how long it would be before Luin was ready to start his day. As much as I enjoyed sharing a bed with him – and believe me, it was on my list of favorite activities – I knew I'd get bored just laying around.

It would have been fine. Most mornings, Luin seemed to really appreciate when I woke up first and made breakfast. This time, I had strips of raw bacon in my hands when Luin came sprinting into the room, his eyes wide and fearful. He collided with me, wrapping his arms tightly around my chest while he trembled against me.

I tossed the bacon on the tray behind me, but didn't want to touch him before I washed my hands, so I waited until Luin pulled back, looking annoyed now rather than frightened. Before he could scold me, I said, "Let me wash my hands, okay?"

"Fine." He backed off and watched with crossed arms as I scrubbed up. As soon as the water was off – before I could even dry my hands – Luin was wrapped around me again.

"You weren't supposed to leave me alone," Luin said, his words distorted since his face was pressed against me.

My heart lurched and I kissed the top of his head. "I'm sorry. I thought you might like some breakfast." Also, I'd had no idea he would still feel that way in the gentle light of morning. "I'm surprised you're even awake so early."

Luin shrugged and mumbled, "You were gone."

A rush of affection for this man coursed through me. It seemed like everything he did or said carved out a bigger place for him in my heart. I hadn't known him for a week, but already I felt so much for him. Maybe I should have known it would be this easy – after all, he was my bond mate. There was a reason we were connected, a reason this was the person I was destined to spend my life with. Already, I knew that having Luin in my life was worth whatever danger it brought on myself. I just wished it felt worth the danger I brought to him.

"So, breakfast?" Luin asked as he eased out of my embrace. I glanced down at him and found him staring up at me eagerly.

"Why don't you put a pot of coffee on while I cook?" I offered, knowing he would take me up on it. Luin's preferred state in the morning was stationary and with a mug of coffee in reach.

I went back to arranging the bacon to bake while Luin got the coffee going. It felt nice, moving around the kitchen with him. Routine. I could so easily imagine this being part of the pattern of my life, but in my imagination, we had a home of our own. It was really good of Lachlan to let us stay here for the time being, but how long could we really expect that to go on? Especially when we were in such danger and when the Unseelie after us definitely knew where we were staying.

"What are you thinking about?" Luin asked from the table in the corner of the room.

I glanced at him, surprised he was voluntarily starting a conversation so early. I was even more surprised when I saw how alert he looked. Maybe he was still too shaken up by what happened last night to sink into that sleepy, comfortable haze he usually spent his early mornings in?

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