Chapter 29

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I didn't think I would ever get tired of the way Luin could be so soft and pliant one moment, then so heated and finnicky the next. I didn't know what it said about me that I found the dichotomy so attractive, but every time Luin's mood turned in an instant, I felt an undeniable swell of affection for him and it made me want to keep pushing his buttons until his mood changed again and again and again.

Take, for example, how he shifted from shy blushes to stripping me naked, then blushing again. Or the way he started getting worked up over the idea of letting me swallow his cum, then went pliant and needy moments later.

And when he reached completion, I could see his glow even with my eyes shut. I looked up at him and saw the light limning his whole body, but especially his hair. His eyes, when he opened them, glowed brighter than I had ever seen them before. If I hadn't been motivated already to give him such pleasure again as soon as he gave me the opportunity, that would have done the trick. I wanted to see it again, and again, and again.

And the way his body strained... the way he arched above me so gracefully...

Well, I had a bit of a problem. I was so turned on it hurt, but there was no denying that Luin was fairly inexperienced and that he wasn't entirely comfortable with intimacy yet. I didn't want to pressure him.

I lay down on the bed by his side, and I swear I was planning on clearing my mind and waiting out my erection, no matter how demanding and distracting it was. It was harder to distract myself from my need as I took in the way our bond had grown from this. I felt closer to him than ever before, and I wanted to feel closer still. I didn't think I could ever be close enough to him.

"How do you feel?" I asked to distract myself.

His feisty side came out again and he hit my chest. "You know perfectly well how I feel," he said primly, sounding annoyed. I grinned.

"Doesn't mean I can't ask. I'd rather hear it from you," I prodded, hoping it would provoke him further. It didn't. I felt how his emotions mellowed out as he sank back into the bed.

I decided to try provoking him again. I climbed on top of him – not my smartest move when I was trying to get my erection to go down – and studied the beautiful man beneath me. "You look cozy."

"Mm hm." After peeking up at me for a too-brief moment, his eyes slid shut again. His expression was smooth and I could feel just how at peace he was.

Imagine what I can get away with when he's in this mood.

It was a dangerous thought, and my arousal spiked almost unbearably. Painfully clear images of all the different things I could do to him ran through my mind, but one idea was especially tempting. "Do you mind if I try something? You don't have to do anything."

He said, "Okay," which was all I needed to hear.

I got up off the bed and grabbed his calves, pulling him so his hips were at the edge of the bed. I pushed his legs up so they were bent and resting against his chest, and Luin's eyes were wide and watchful, but he made no move to stop me or even to ask what I was doing even though he was definitely curious.

I pressed his legs together and slid my erection between them. I was surrounded on all sides, and the bottom of my cock rubbed against his, which was still wet from my mouth. We slid together with some resistance at first, but my own leaking precum lubed us up after only a couple of thrusts. I felt him grow hard against me, which was all the encouragement I needed to pick up the pace.

I wanted to keep watching him. Luin's face showed his surprise at first, and then his heightening pleasure. His arms wrapped around his legs, which tightened around me, and I groaned.

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