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I half opened my eyes and realized that it was still dark.

Five minutes, I thought to myself. I'll take a shower in five minutes.

I was about to roll to my other side when I  arms were wrapped around something soft and smooth.

Or rather, someone with soft and smooth skin.

My eyes shot open and that's when I realized I wasn't in my house in Seoul. I was in New York, in Anne's penthouse at the 172 Madison Avenue.

And we fell asleep on her bed, after a very long night of love making.

I smiled to myself when I heard her soft breathing. On instinct, I pulled her closer to me, burying my face on the nook of her neck.

She smelled nice, I thought sleepily as I tightened my arms around her.

I must have fallen back to asleep again and when I awoke, I realized that sometime in the night, Anne must have turned and was now sleeping on her side facing me.

The blinds weren't pulled down and a streak of moonlight shone on her face. A lock of hair partially covered her eyes and I reached out to push it away. I watched as she stirred in her sleep when my skin touched hers. I lightly rested my palm on her cheek and gently caressed it with my thumb.

Very slowly, my thumb traveled down her mouth and gently grazed her lips.

Why didn't I come sooner? I wondered as I continued gazing at her. Why did I wait this long to see her again?

I watched her chest rise and fall as I listened to her soft breathing. I missed her so much and it almost felt surreal to have her here beside me now.

She chose to open her eyes after I planted a gentle peck on her lips. I must have awaken her with that kiss.

" Good morning, " I said softly.

She stared at me for a moment, a dazed expression on her face. Then she reached out and gingerly touched my face.

" You're real, " she whispered in amazement. " It wasn't a dream. "

I caught her wrist and kissed her hand. " I'm real, baby. "

A slow smile spread across her face and she moved closer to me, her arms wrapped around my waist. I chuckled as I held her close, trapping her legs with mine.

We didn't have any clothes on and her naked body pressed against mine gave me a feeling of comfort and warmth.

She shivered when a gush of cold air from the air condition blew towards us and I quickly pulled up the comforter over her shoulders. Still holding her tightly, I gave her forehead a kiss.

" Warm? " I murmured.

" Mmmm, " she said as I felt her small arm tightened around my torso. " I can stay here forever."

I chuckled as I brushed my lips against her forehead once again. " Me too, baby. "

I pulled her even closer. I was trying to cover her tiny frame with my warmth when she gasped loudly. Alarmed, I loosened my grip on her afraid that I was crushing her against me.

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