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I couldn't help but pace back and forth inside the kitchen. Letting out a frustrated sigh, I started to walk towards the sink and then turned and pivoted to the other direction. I stopped when I was few inches away from the decoratively carved oak door and strained my ears to listen.

What are they talking about? And what was taking them so long?

" Can you please sit down? " Rachel said in an exasperated voice.

I turned to look at her seated on a stool by the kitchen counter. I frowned, annoyed that she looked so calm when her best friend was alone out there in the living room with some random man.

Alright, Tommy wasn't exactly random. He was her ex boyfriend who cheated on her with her good friend. And that was worse than a random man.

" I don't think it's a good idea to leave Anne alone with that man, " I told her, hoping that she will agree with me and we can both come out of the kitchen where we've been hiding in the last fifteen minutes.

Rachel rolled her eyes at me and pointed at the stool nearest to me. " Sit. "

I ignored her order and started to pace the kitchen again. I didn't want to sit down. I just wanted to get out of the kitchen and make sure Anne was alright.

" Chang, please, " Rachel persisted as she gave me a pointed look. " Anne can take care of herself. Besides, Tommy will never do anything-"

She didn't get to finish what she wanted to say because we heard shouting coming from the other room.

I was out of the kitchen in a flash and practically ran to the living room where we left Anne and Tommy a few minutes ago.

My nose flared in anger when I saw Anne locked in Tommy's arms, struggling to get free. Her back was facing me but I could see her hands flailing at her sides as he pulled her even closer.

" Let go of me, Tommy! " Anne cried out indignantly as she tried to push him away but failed. " Get your hands off me! "

Even before I knew what I was doing, I was harshly peeling Tommy's arms off her. Surprised by my sudden appearance, he threw his fist at me but I was quick enough to avoid it. I grabbed Anne by the arm before he could touch her again and pushed her safely behind me. Tommy seized the opportunity and before I could react, his fist landed on my face.

" Stop! " I heard Anne scream from behind me.

Tommy attacked again but I was fast enough to dodge him this time. On reflex, my right hand swung towards his direction and hit him squarely on his right eye. He staggered backwards with the impact of my punch.

" Stop this!" Anne pushed past me to face Tommy.

My hands instinctively reached for her arm and I stood close as she glared at her ex-boyfriend who was wiping blood off his face.

She raised her left arm and pointed to the door. " Get out of my house. "

Her voice was ice cold and if I didn't see her hand tremble, I would have applauded her bravado.

" Anne, I-" Tommy started as he looked at her earnestly.

" Get out, Tommy, " she repeated angrily, her shoulders shaking as she spoke. " Or I swear I will call the police and have you dragged out of here. "

Tommy took a step backwards when he heard what she said. His hands limply sitting on his hips, he shook his head at her.

" I just wanted to see you and say how sorry I am for everything. " He said in a quiet voice.

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