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I had just finished a battery of tests that morning and I was starving.

Apart from a few wounds and some bruises, I was perfectly fine. It's seriously nothing that a bowl of Ramen couldn't fix.

I was just finishing my noodle soup when Riwa and I heard some commotion outside. I looked at her questioningly but she wave her hand dismissively and switched on the TV to zone out the outside noises.

She was putting away my food tray when my room door suddenly burst open.

" Dad! " I exclaimed in surprise as I watched my father saunter into my room, a serious expression on his face.

Jake was trailing behind him, sporting an equally serious expression.

" What are you doing here? " I asked in bewilderment as I gazed at my father's six feet figure towering over me at the side of my bed.

" Why do you think I'm here, Anne? " He snapped as his hands went up on his hips. " I almost had a heart attack when I switched on the TV and heard that you were killed in a car accident! "

" I was what?!" I gasped as I looked at my father and cousin in astonishment.

" I am going to sue those fucking networks for reporting false information! " My father said angrily and glanced at my cousin who was standing from across him at the other side of my bed. " Tell your lawyer to get in touch with MartinCorp's legal team. I am going to shut down those networks for causing such a stir! "

" I'm sure that's not necessary, Uncle, " Jake said in a weak voice as he darted a look at me.

" Dad, you don't need to do that, " I protested meekly.

" The hell I don't, " he shot back and glared at the two of us. "I had to call for an emergency meeting with our shareholders when the news came out. You cannot imagine the chaos that stupid information caused! "

I knew our protests were futile. My dad never backed down when he had made up his mind.

He will sue those networks, whether we like it or not.

" Don't you worry Mr. Martinez, " Riwa suddenly spoke out from behind him. " Anne isn't the only victim of such. They just like to sensationalize things here. "

She chuckled softly, oblivious to my father's withering glare.

" And who might you be?" Dad asked in a clipped voice, not all happy that somebody was talking to him as casually as Riwa did.

The middle aged woman smiled and extended her hand to my father.

" Riwa Young, Anne's talent manager, " she told my father cheerfully.

I bit my lip as I braced myself for my father's reply, afraid that he'd speak rudely to the gentle woman.

To my surprise and relief, my father actually took Riwa's hand and shook it.

" Nice to meet you, Ms. Young, " My father said in a neutral voice.

" No need for formalities, " she chuckled again. " Please call me Riwa. "

My father raised an eyebrow but nodded as he released my talent manager's hand.

" Well, good that you're both here, " Riwa clasped her hands together and grinned at Jake and my father. " I need to get something from the pharmacy. So if you can both look after Anne while I'm gone. "

" I'm fine, Riwa, " I told her quickly.

" Nonsense child, " Riwa told me disapprovingly.

Slightly bowing to the two men in the room, she disappeared through the door.

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