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" And action! "

I pretended to read a book and ignored Chang as he came into the living room set.

" Why did you meet Bo Seon without telling me? " He demanded as he looked down at me sitting on the set's beige three seater couch.

I looked up from what I was reading and pretended not to know what he was saying.

" What are you talking about? " I asked in perfect Korean.

" Do not lie to me, Soo Yeon! " Chang said, his face suddenly contorted with anger. " I told you several times not to meet with him. He's dangerous! "

I stood up from the couch and placed my hands on my hips. " Well I told you not to meet with Ha Yoon yet you still met with her! So why should I listen to you when you tell me not to meet with Bo Seon?!"

" You know why!!! " Chang glared at me, the veins in his temples pulsating.

He's good. I thought as I returned his glare. Chang Wook was really good getting into character.

" That's just it, Jee Hwa, " I said in exasperation as I walked towards the edge of the carpet. Then I spun around to face him. " I don't understand why...why..."

Something familiar caught my eye behind Chang making me miss my line. I knew I should be focusing on him and not the crew behind him but that streak of golden hair can't be missed.

Who was that? I asked in alarm not being able to make out the face of the person standing behind one of the cameraman. Could that possibly be-?

" What are you trying to say Soo Yeon? " I heard Chang Wook improvised on his lines and I quickly snapped back in attention.

What was I supposed to say? I quickly wracked my brain for the line that I have momentarily forgotten.

" I don't understand why you're forbidding me to meet him, " I said quickly recovering from the temporary blackout." I only wanted to see how he is. "

Chang walked over to me and held my shoulders. His anger quickly dissipated and he looked at me with concern in his eyes.

" I know you mean well, " he said slowly and I could see from my peripheral view two of the cameramen moving towards us probably framing a close-up shot. " But Bo Seon is still an ex convict. So please don't let me worry about you. "

I nodded slowly as Chang took my arm and pulled me close for an embrace. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head against his chest.

" And...cut! " Sam shouted from where he was.

Chang let go of me and I was grateful to have quickly finished shooting that scene. I couldn't wait to get off the set but courtesy got the best of me and I patiently listened to Sam bellow his next orders.

" Great job you two! Ten minutes break and let's reshoot that scene again for back-up. "

As soon as Sam clapped his hands dismissively, I strode over to where Rolly, our Vietnamese cameraman, was standing.

" Was someone with you earlier? " I asked.

Rolly looked up at me in surprise. " I'm not sure what you mean, Anne. Chester was assisting me earlier."

Chester was one of the production assistants and he has black hair. I shook my head and frowned as I looked around trying to find someone wearing a royal blue jacket.

I turned to face Rolly again when I couldn't find the person that I was so certain I saw. " I swore I saw someone walking up behind you, Rolly. "

The cameraman scratch his head in bewilderment. " I don't know, Anne. I was busy taking footages of you and Chang Wook. If there was, I wouldn't really notice. "

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