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" After lunch, you need to do fitting with the wardrobe team, " Daniel was saying as he looked at his notes on his mobile phone. " Then you have a meeting with the PR team so they can brief both of you for the upcoming press conference. At seven, we need to be at the opening of Bench's new store in-"

" I didn't confirm to that, " I cut in looking at Daniel quizzically.

I've seen the invite. Ben Chan, the owner of the Philippine based retail clothing company, the same person whom we were supposed to meet during our tragic flight to the Philippines more than a week ago, personally whatsapped his invitation to me. I was scheduled to do a PR stint at their new store in Seoul tomorrow so I didn't think there was a need to be attend tonight's opening and be there twice.

" I did, " Daniel told me as a matter of factly. " You're the brand's top Korean endorser. You need to be there. "

I shook my head at him. " Lianne didn't think so. "

Daniel furrowed his forehead and peered at me curiously. " What's the big deal attending tonight's event? There's nothing in your schedule tonight."

" There's nothing in your schedule, " I corrected him as I turned my gaze to the building's front sliding doors. " I made plans with someone."

Spotlight employees were hurriedly going through the building's sliding doors. It was pass noon and people were off for lunch. Some staff bowed their heads as they passed us by while others just couldn't be bothered.

" Does the name of the person whom you made plans with start with an A?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

" My lips are sealed, " I replied teasingly.

He rolled his eyes at me before looking at me in bewilderment.

" Why in the world are we standing here again? "

He stopped mid sentence when he saw my face broke into a smile and waved at someone behind him. He spun around and understanding dawned on his face when he saw the person who just emerged from the sliding doors.

" Ah, I see. " He murmured as his mouth twitched into a smile.

We both watched Anne walk towards our direction and I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her.

" You know, " Daniel muttered his eyes still glued on Anne. " Sometimes I think she's just too good for you. "

I laughed at my manager's choice of words and pretended to sound hurt. " You hurt my feelings, Daniel. "

Daniel shook his head and gave me a pointed look. " You are one lucky bastard, do you know that? "

I couldn't argue with him on that. " I do. "

We continued watching Anne cover the distance from the entrance door to where we were standing. She was a few meters away from us when we heard several PAs greeted her. She whipped her head to their direction and slowed down her pace as she momentarily engaged herself in casual conversation.

As I watched her laugh and talk with the production assistants, I still couldn't believe that she was finally with me. If somebody told me that all she needed was a flight scare to finally decide to give us a chance, I would have done it sooner.

Not that the last one was orchestrated.

Who would have thought that the scariest flight of my life would result to winning her love? When we roughly landed in that secluded island in the Philippines, I was certain I was going to die.

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