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" Are you one hundred percent sure about this? " I demanded after Lee Gun Woo, the private detective that I've hired, gave me his full report.

" One hundred percent, Mr. Martinez, " Gun Woo confirmed. " We've got enough evidence to back our claims. "

" This is a pretty big accusation that you've got there, Gun Woo, " I told him in a hard voice. " If what you're saying is true, there will be a lot of repurcussions. "

" We have the video footage of the perpetrator getting inside the same car which was used to run Ms. Martinez over. " Gun Woo informed me. " We're really certain with this one, sir. "

" Okay, " I muttered as I rubbed my temple with my free hand.

" We are working on getting the warrant asap, " Gun Woo continued. " So we can finally bring-"

" I want to be there when the arrest takes place," I cut in as I felt the onset of a migraine. " So don't do anything until I'm back. Give me a week. I should be back in Seoul by then. "

" Alright sir, " Gun Woo agreed and suggested that he would keep the suspect under surveillance until I get back.

When we finally placed the phone down, I couldn't help but stare mutely at the ceiling.

" Fuck, " I whispered in an incredulous voice as I tried to wrap my head around what Gun Woo had just told me.

It had been months since Anne almost got run over and I've done everything that I could to look for her perpetrator. Except for the car that we managed to retrieve and whose owner died a few years ago, we didn't have much to work with. 

Until a few days ago when somebody turned over a video footage of the perpetrator getting inside the same car that the police now have in custody.

I stared at my phone in disbelief and was contemplating whether to call Jang or Daniel and share the information Gun Woo just gave him.

No, I decided as I clutched the phone tightly in my hand. It might be best to talk to them when I get back to Seoul in a week's time. For the time being, this information should just be kept between Gun Woo and myself.

With that resolve in mind, I took a deep breath and went back inside the restaurant and saw that Ryan has shifted to the bar and was holding his second glass of whiskey.

" Everything alright? " He looked at me questioningly when I joined him.

I nodded quickly and flashed him a smile. " All's fine, " I lied.

My best bud looked at me tentatively but didn't press. He's been my friend for as long as I can remember and he can tell when I'm lying. 

" How's your uncle? " He asked instead as he gave me a sidelong glance.

It has been two days since Andrew Martinez' heart surgery. He's was still in the intensive care unit but he was, thankfully, recovering well. He was still kept in the hospital for observation and if everything goes well, he should be discharged in a week's time and continue his recuperation privately at home.

" He's on his way to recovery, " I responded as I signaled the bartender for a drink.

" I'm sure Anne's relieved, " Ryan commented. " Imagine suddenly taking over MartinCorp had anything bad happened to her father. "

I gave him a sidelong glance but didn't say anything.

Ryan didn't know the half of it. Andrew Martinez was the glue that held the MartinCorp empire together. And he was also the reason why our power hungry cousins, the son and daughter of their half brother, were kept at bay.

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