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" Good job, " Daniel grinned as he threw me a towel. " That went fast, didn't it? "

I wiped the sweat off my face with the towel that he handed me and crunched my neck from left to right to rid myself of the stiffness.

We've been shooting on location the past days and we surprisingly finished our shoot earlier than usual. Today, we were trying to complete the bike-car- chase scene which we've been working on since yesterday. By three in the afternoon, Sam's assistant director, whose manning today's location shoot, finally declared a wrap on the day's filming.

" That wasn't fast, " I told him as I took the bottle of water from his hand. " That was twelve hours of motorcycle filming. "

Daniel shrugged. " It could have been longer. "

He walked me to my trailer as he discussed a few menial things about some possible product endorsement projects in the pipeline. Once I was inside the room, I quickly changed into the shirt and jeans that I wore coming to the set. After handing my discarded clothes to the PA in charge of my wardrobe, I quickly joined Daniel inside his chauffeured car.

I've asked my driver to run a few errands for me this afternoon and it didn't look like he would be coming back to the set anytime soon. And I couldn't wait. I was exhausted from the week's tedious filming schedule and I just wanted to get a shower and hit the bed before our flight to the Philippines tomorrow.

" Tomorrow's going to be a really busy day, " Daniel was saying as I watched his driver took a turn to the highway that led to my house. " Once we land in Manila, we head directly to the meeting with the agency. We will have lunch with the owner of the clothing brand and then we start wardrobe selection so your clothes will be ready for your shoot the following day. Then we- "

" Wait a minute, " I frowned cutting him off. " I thought the shoot was tomorrow and not the day after? "

Daniel's face clouded with confusion as he looked up from his mobile phone and gave me questioning look. " Didn't I tell you? "

I shook my head. " Not as far as I can remember."

He looked at me thoughtfully and then gave a dismissive wave.

" Well, it doesn't matter. " He said as a matter of factly. " I've already informed Sam that we'd be gone for two days so that's all sorted. Nothing to worry about. "

" That's not the point here. You should have informed me about this change, Daniel, " I protested shaking my head in disapproval. " I might have plans. "

" I thought I did. It wasn't intentional. " Daniel said defensively and raised one eyebrow at me. " Well, do you? "

" Do I what? " I asked in an irritated voice.

If not for his dark glasses, I could practically see Daniel rolling his eyes at me. " Do you have plans? You said you might have one. So do you? "

" No," I replied in a clipped voice as I looked out the car window.

" Then what's the drama about? " He aked in an exasperated voice. " And since when did you start prioritizing your personal plans over work? "

I clenched my jaw as I absentmindedly watched the people outside of the car walking down the streets. " I haven't, " I muttered in annoyance.

" Is this about her again? " Daniel wanted to know as he lowered his voice.

I snapped my head to look at him. " What are you talking about? "

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