one hundred eighteen

Start from the beginning

"Got to hustle, Cap. Things look like they're just about wrapped up here," Tony's voice rang out over the comms. "Dell, is old you in place?"

Audelia saw the STRIKE team entering the building as they called out to her old self to join them. She opened the hologram screen projecting from her suit as she moved through a series of log keys, locking the doors behind STRIKE and effectively locking herself out of the building. She watched her old self as she sighed, trying the doors one more time before she was pulled away by another group that needed assistance.

"Old me got separated from STRIKE, so you're set and ready to go Steve," she called back. "I'm making my way into the security room now."

"Got it, I'm approaching the elevator now,"

Donning an old SHIELD uniform with the brim of the hat pulled down to cover her face, Audelia managed to sneak into Stark tower and into the control room. With the madness of it all, it was empty, giving Audelia the perfect chance to lock the doors and take control of the cameras, ensuring that no one else would be able to catch what was happening throughout the tower.

"Uh, Mr. Rogers. I almost forgot that that suit did nothing for your ass,"

"Tony, is that seriously what you're worried about right now?" Deli shot back, though there was a grin on her face as she moved through the different security cameras on the screen before her.

"No one asked you to look, Tony,"

"I think you look great, Cap," Scott threw in. "As far as I'm concerned, that's America's ass."

"You can all worry about Steve's ass later," Deli shot back. "We're on the clock, get the stones so we can get out asses out of here."

"Roger that, Mrs. Stark,"

Audelia occupied herself with watching the cameras, ensuring that everything in the building was running according to plan. She watched as Steve entered the elevator with the STRIKE team, meaning that everything was on schedule and that Tony should be heading downstairs to meet Scott with the Tesseract.

The doorknob of the security room jiggled for a moment before she heard a sigh, a key entering the knob right afterward. Deli's eyes went wide as she took off toward the door, hiding behind one of the large pillars of hard drives as security entered the room.

"There you go Ms. Romanoff-"


Deli's eyes went wide as Natasha entered the room, Nathan in tow right behind her as security took their cue to leave. This wasn't supposed to be happening, this didn't happen because Natasha and Audelia had left the building together to assist Steve with search and rescue after she got up to the top floor.

Except 2012 Deli didn't make it there this time.

"Natasha, why did you drag me in here?" Nathan sighed, taking a seat at the control desk as Nat leaned on the wall beside him. Audelia took a look at the door, thinking about her possible escape, before Natasha's words stopped her in her tracks.

"Because when a depressed Nathan Porter walks into Stark Tower after we just battled a bunch of aliens, I think I deserve to know why," a tiny smile played on her lips. "Nate, we might not be the best of friends, but I've known you long enough. You lose someone in the field? Lost a patient? We aren't leaving this tower until you talk."

"Oh, I lost someone alright," Nathan laughed lightly, looking down at his feet. "I...I lost Deli. She, uh...she gave me the ring back."

Audelia felt her heart break as she saw the tears run down Nathan's face at his words. After what had happened, he had been so strong, always had a smile. But she had hurt him, and she was learning that right now.

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