Jellie Chase - Scar - ?

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Taking a break from writing Angst, so have this chapter of Jellie just pranking and scaring Scar-
Also lowkey a crack and really short chapter

Ship/hermit: Scar
Type: -
Category: Fluff maybe?
Setting: Sometime in season 7

/-+* Scar's POV *+-\

I'm wandering around the town hall in max panic, Jellie was nowhere to be seen.

"Jellie! Where did you go!?" I said, and I jumped and looked around when I heard a meow in response, "Jellie?"


I looked up, and saw her looking down on me while she sat on one of the chandeliers. She actually looked scary, "How'd you even get up there!?"


She backed up and disappeared out of view, the next thing I know, she's not up there anymore, and I hear another meow from behind. I turn around and she was walking away out the town hall, how did she even-

"Jellie wait for me-!"

/-+* Third Person POV *+-\

Scar chased Jellie as she ran down to the road and went straight for the nether portal, 


And Jellie went thought the portal. Scar knew this was going to be a long day, or long days.


"Jellie come back please-"

Scar was now chasing Jellie around Bdubs' place. The fact that there were a lot of houses, bridges, and trees did not help at all. Scar eventually lost her, right as Bdubs came home.

"Scar? what are you doing here?" Bdubs asked as he walked out the nether portal to see an exhausted Scar.

Scar had a panicked expression, "I-it's Jellie, she was running all over the place, and she went here, I was chasing her, but now I lost her. Please help me-"


Both turned around to see Jellie walking into the nether portal again, looking at Scar before she teleported.

"Jellie come back It's not safe!" Scar said chasing after her.



They ran all over the server, and when I said all over the server, I meant it.

Scar was now in the jungle near Grian's mansion. He was running all over the place as Jellie was running around, and he eventually lost her again. As he was running around the place panicked, he didn't realize the 3 pair of eyes that were looking at him from above.

"So, that hooman is your owner? He looks clueless"

"Yep, he's a big dorky idiot"

"Pearl, of course he's clueless, all hoomans are too naïve and clueless."

Watching him above were 3 cats, Jellie, Maui, and Pearl. [A/N yes I know Maui and Pearl aren't in Hermitcraft, I added them for the sake of it]

"So what are you doing here?" Pearl asked Jellie.

"oh, I got bored of just sitting on the throne." Shrugged Jellie.

"Can relate, but we just wander around since our hooman doesn't really spend too much time at home." Maui said before turning back to Scar,"So how long are you just going to let him wander around in panic?"

"eh, right. Well bye friends, let's plot on how we'll take over the server next time."


Jellie jumped down from the mansion, and didn't take fall damage, because cat. She landed right behind Scar, "meow"

Scar jumped in surprise and turned around, and when he turned Jellie was already running again, "Jellie wait-!"


Word Count: 577

I don't know why, but now I want to write about the cat trio more now-
Just a small chapter, will write another one soon

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