Evil Too - HEX - Flangst(2)

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This is part 2 Of the previous oneshot, Framed.

Ship: Evil X x Helsknight
Ship Type: Platonic, can be viewed as romantic depending on the reader
Category: still has angst from the first part, but also some fluff
Setting: Sometime in season 7, after part 1

Headcannons for the chapter:

- The headcannons from part 1 remains the same
- Wels and Hels are brothers, Twins.
- completely made up Hels backstory, it's just my fanon.
- There's also a bit of platonic Impulse, Etho, and Grian here
- oh, last chapter I forgot to mention that EX was actually good

Also, this chapter is probably going to be cringe, so yeah.

/-+* Third Person POV *+-\

"The names Helsknight, pleasure to meet you."  The knight in black-ish armor said.

"Helsknight? never heard of him." EX responded.

"You never heard of me?"


"Well, it's true not many hermits know of my existence. All because of my brother banished me." He said the word "brother" almost mockingly.

"You also have a brother? Is he also a hermit?"

"Yes, he's pathetic. Wels, Welsknight, that's his name. He's a scaredy-cat." Hels stated while rolling his red eyes, before turning back to EX, "so why are you here, Edgy Red Boy?".

" "Edgy Red Boy"? You're one to talk, Edgelord."

"I answered your question and said my name, now answer mine. Why are you here?" Hels repeated in a slightly threating tone.

EX turned away, "... I don't want to talk about it," he said, kicking a nearby stone on the ground, still angry about what happened, "That's a bit personal. Thank you very much." 

"Huh. You sound pissed. Why's that?"

"None of your business. It's just something stupid that just happened and ruined my mood."

"I saw that a death message in chat about you killing someone, does that have anything to do with it?"

EX was actually starting to get annoyed, "Like I said, It's none of your fucking reason!".

Hels crossed his arms, " Now, now, don't go all angry just because I asked about your feelings."

"And don't you go all mad because I don't want to tell you."


"I told you, it was too personal."

"it really had something to do with the death message?"

EX just decided to stay silent. He started ignoring Hels and thought about what happened back at the shopping district. This in turn made Hels mad.

"Stop ignoring me! It's annoying!" Hels huffed.

"You're the definition of annoying!" EX shouted back.

"Are you serious?! I was only asking you, nicely, why are you here!"

"And I said It's none of your business."

Hels was actually angry now, an he shouted something that could be considered too far.

"No wonder no one loves you!"

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