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Sponsored by Drunk Maya, who was high on spiked air late one night.

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And, oh, btw?

I'm making respawn be off.



"Mumbo?" Iskall called out into the jungle, voice trembling. "Are you there?" He knew he was close, the smell of half-burned sulfur leaving a trail of smells through the air. "Mumb- oh no." He came to a stop in front of a towering jungle tree, looking at the base of the tree. There was lying a familiar mustached man. "MUMBO OH GOD ARE YOU OK-" The familiar streak of black-on-black was hidden among the jungle underbrush, Mumbo's suit not being a very good indicator that he was there.

The Swede stumbled over fallen branches and leaves as he rushed over to his friend. His forward-moving momentum left him sliding down onto his knees, scraping his hands on the ground. Was Mumbo ok? Was he even... alive?

He tore off the outer coat, too much in a panic to notice the faint mark on the redstoner's left arm.

Too panicked to see the faint traces of blood on the sleeves of his shirt.

"MUMBO," he said breathlessly. He didn't want his friend to die. He didn't want his friend to die. He didn't want his friend to-

Mumbo's chest rose and fell in a rhythmic beat. Sighing and thanking the Minecraft gods, he carefully assessed the situation with a new look.

And that new look, while still a little incoherent, involved getting help.

Taking a deep breath in, Iskall looked up into the gloomy sky. Which Hermit is closest.

Stress. Stress is. In fact, he could see the smoke from her brewery billowing into the sky.

Pulling up the private communication system, he DMed the lady, asking calmly for help.

<Iskall> Hey Stress, you at your base?

<Stress> yes, y? And y the dm?

<Iskall> Mumbo's hurt, didn't want to send it publicly. You're the nearest hermit-

<Stress> Say no more, omw

<Iskall> here's my coords: _______. Ty

<Iskall> ily

<Stress> ik <3

With a sigh, he leaned against the tree, gripping Mumbo's hand in his own. Stress would be here soon.

She would be here soon.

She would be here... soon...


"Iskool?" Stress called out through the jungle. "You thear?" (I'm writing Stress with her accent and you can't stop me)

She had reached the coordinates, but she couldn't see anyone.

Being a smarty, she pulled a night vision potion from her pocket, downing it. And in a flash, the dim lighting was eliminated. She could even see the moon in the distance, starting to rise behind the clouds.

There. A flash of red. Mumbo's tie.

It must be.

She scrambled over to the color, praying it was them-

-only to find a parrot perched in a tree.

"Pesky birds." Kicking the tree, Stress leaned backwards against it, turning to face outwards.

The parrot could tell something was troubling the girl. Something big. It let out a little squawk.

"Shoo," she said to it, waving her hand in annoyance.

The parrot hopped off of the branch, flying up a few blocks. In the distance, it could see two men laying on the ground.

Returning to its perch, the parrot nudged Stress' shoulder.

"What do you want!?" she exclaimed, anger lacing her voice. She turned to face the parrot, only having to duck as it flew out from the branch. "Oh!"

She chased after it, getting the message. It had seen something.

She instantly regretted yelling at the bird.

The two reached Mumbo and Iskall, Stress placing a handful of seeds on the ground, which the bird gratefully accepted.

Bringing her attention to the men right in front of her, she could see Iskall had fallen asleep, Mumbo's hand clasped in his own.

Awwww, the poor things... Gently shaking Iskall's shoulder, the Swede woke up, eyes foggy from the nap.


"Ello luv. Miss me?" Stress bent forward, planting a quick kiss on Iskall's right left cheek before assessing Mumbo.

There was a bit of blood matted in his hair. Probably from bashing his head into the tree. There were also some bruises as far as she could tell.

Also a strange marking in his arm.

A thin, long line, like he'd been cut.

Thin long line... a- She covered her mouth, Iskall giving her a look. "I-I- don't mind me, luv."

Iskall returned to petting the parrot, adrenaline still flowing through his veins, making him jumpy and unobservant.

Stress gently opened her bag, hands shaking slightly as she prepared a line-up of potions. Healing, strength, sleeping, and a few others. She also grabbed a bandage roll to cover Mumbo's head injury.

She picked up the mustachioed man's head, moving herself so that his head would rest in her lap. She lowered it down, wrapping it slowly.

Mumbo hissed in his unconscious state. Grimacing, Stress grabbed a bottle of a pain relief potion. The kind that numbed certain areas if the Hermits ever needed to have a medical operation done.

Pouring a bit onto the bandage, she continued wrapping it.

Hang in their, luv. It'll be alright.


They needed a way to move Mumbo.

The only person in the area that had some sort of transport was Ren, and his various Star Wars inspired sand speeders. DMing him quickly, he said:

<Iskall> Ren, come to ______ and bring a speeder

<Iskall> we really need it

<Ren> I'm not even gonna ask, brt

He returned to his wandering thoughts, watching the lovely witch work on healing Mumbo.

Is Mumbo gonna be alright?

Does Stress... like me?

How many more leaves do I need to finish the tree?

What is gonna happen to Grian?

...Who is controlling Scar?


One word: Spyskall.


This chapter is long overdue.

I really hope you enjoyed today's edition.


Maya <3

Banished: Resistance is Futileजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें