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One shall redeem himself.

The other shall be slain.

A third will reunite with things long passed.

And the fourth shall break.

A trio of magic, of wits, and of hate.

A solo survivor, always alone.

To call one's name is to ask a favor.

The stick as sharp as shattered bone.

A great deed to be done.

Unlock the key that binds.

A curse uttered from a clean tongue.

Will set the things undone.

Helpful can the dust be.

That sparks upon the stone.

And a shard of deceit.

Of which was throne.


All spelling mistakes were intentional.

Sorry for being confusing, but I like causing confusion. ^-^

This is probably gonna be pretty important, so yeah...

Now on with the chapter!


The world was dark. Darker than the deepest depths of the Void. How that was possible? He would never know.

The cold was gone, though. A warm darkness, he concluded.

Then he realized something.

If he wasn't in the Void, then...

Where was he?

Then... he opened his eyes.


The man cursed in a variety of languages, some even extinct in the modern world. He kicked at the red-orange sand that lay still around him, throwing his helmet to the ground. Why did this have to happen to him...

It was nighttime, and he was stuck in a mesa biome, freezing his socks off. As he shivered, he did a mental examination of his inventory, closing his eyes and concentrating to see its contents. Empty... "Oh for f***'s sake-" he growled. Yelling up into the night sky, he fell down to his knees, slowly losing faith in himself.

"I'm being a moron," he concluded after a bit. "I need shelter." Standing slowly, placing his helmet on his head, he walked off to go punch a tree.



Oh, how his new least-favorite sound made him want to scream.

The sound of rubbing, clinking, iron chains.

Wels tried not to move and opted for sitting in the corner, which helped diminish the sound, but even the subtle movements of breathing would seem to stir the metal restraints.

Well, thinking about it, there was one sound worse.

Hels' voice.

And it had been droning on for about 30 seconds now.

"...now you're going to stay in there, until you die!" The slamming of a cell door could be heard near by. Who had his evil alter captured this time?

"Uh, Hels!"

The evil knight paused his ascent up the stairs to the surface, coming back down slowly and walking to the window of Wels' cell. "What is it," he demanded roughly.

"Who's my new neighbor?"

"Neighbors, you me-" Hels cried out in anguish, pulling at the back of his neck. "How long does this stupid potion last for..."

"What potion?" Wels could faintly see the traces of gold particles spinning around in the air near Hels.

"One that forces me to tell the truth. Joe threw it at me when I was torturing Scar. Happy now?" Hels' red eyes glimmered in the low light, shooting daggers into the cell.

Wels held up his hands in mock defeat.

As Hels trudged off, he could hear him muttering about Scar needing to "...use his crystals to remove the potion effects before his world ended..."

Minutes passed, or was it hours? You could never seem to keep track of time down here.

How ever long it was later, a deep British voice could faintly be heard. "He- Hello?"

"Xisuma?" Wels whispered, then his voice grew in volume. "Xisuma!" Standing up and cringing at the sounds of the chains that wrapped around his ankle and wrists, he ran up to the cell window, see two figures in a newly built cell across from him. "Xisuma? Why are you here?"

"You don't... know?" The admin tried to rub the sleepiness out of his eyes, only to remember that his helmet was still on. Taking a deep breath and holding it, he took of his helmet, Wels a little shocked at that, rubbed his eyes, then placed it back on his head quickly, sighing as the filtered air reached his lungs.

The Enderian motioned to the sleeping man next to him. "Joe too?" Wels' eyes widened. "What did you two get yourselves into- oh. The potion?"

Xisuma nodded meekly. "We... we wanted to go spy on Scar. He's been acting strange, and I didn't find anything in the admin logs, so Joe and I went to find out for ourselves and apparently, while not surprisingly, since I've dealt with it before... he wants to take over the server."

Now it was Joe's turn to wake up, the potion finally wearing off. "Ugh..."

"Joe! Are you alright?" Xisuma turned to his cell mate. If anything had happened to the lovable Hermit, Hels was going to pay-

(No I'm not shipping them, shush-)

"What in tarnation..." Joe muttered weakly. "Did it really go south that fast, huh?..." he trailed off, still coming out from under the the potion's effects.

"Hels trapped us in a cell, and Wels-" said knight waved from his window "-is here too."

"Howdy Wels..." Joe groaned, trying to moved. To Joe's dismay, and Wels' ears, the sounds of chains met his ears, Xisuma glancing at his own set.

The admin sighed, leaning against the wall.

Wels sighed in response, saying, "At least you guys have a wall of iron bars instead of a tiny window."

"Heh, I guess you're right..." Xisuma closed his eyes, the only sound in the still room the passing of air through the Voidling's mask's air filter.

A voice broke the silence; it was Joe's. "Are we ever gonna get outta 'ere?"

Wels trudged back to his favorite corner, wincing as his chains clinked against themselves. "I don't know, Joe..."




For those who know: potion orders are gonna be delayed because Joe is now trapped. Suck it up :P

Maya <3

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