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*speedruns to the end because the amazing UltimateDisaster02 is possibly gonna makeafrickinanimaticforBanishedlikeOMG*

"Should I prepare my tears ducts?" -Helen


Also there are three POVs this chapter weeeeee-

Also also, there's some, uh... stuff that technically would be better to have a warning beforehand, but nawwwwwwww- enjoy the pain- I don't wanna spoillllll-


Grian knew they were going to die. There was no escaping those monsters-

No, they're your family, Grian.

They trapped him and tortured him-

No, they loved him and taught him discipline. They instructed him on how to lead a server and to watch the world. To keep it from ruin.

Oh, and you think the Watchers hunting them down right now are here to discipline them?

Grian shook his head, trying to get rid of the voices, ignoring the instant concern that flashed on Xanthus' face.

Hell, why was he falling in love with EX!? He could barely even trust him! They barely met even two weeks ago, how could he have been bitten already by the love bug.

He could never tell him. Grian bet that Xanthus didn't even feel anything for him. This was a one way relationship he knew it-

"Grian?" Pearl waved a hand in front of Grian's pained face, the gremlin flinching in response. "You there?"

"Yeah, I'm here..." He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, the other reaching out to the open lantern in the center of the room. The Watchers hadn't found them yet, but they weren't far off, searching the entirety of spawn.

Almost as if leaving them for last, staying clear of their hiding spot to give them a small fragment of hope to cling to. They wanted them as broken as possible before they messed with their minds further.

No, they would never. The Watchers were caring creatures, looking after servers with a gentle hand.

Then why would they be hunting them down?

Was it all just a lie? A ruse? A trap?

Grian's breathing quickened, the thoughts circulating around and around in his confused brain. Had they just been using him? Was that all he was? A pawn, a puppet?

Xanthus went to move closer from his seat opposite Grian, hesitantly placing a hand on Grian's tense shoulder, flinching away as a shock of purple magic arced to meet his fingertips. His black, gold, and red feathers rustled as the magic coursed through him, moving away, seeing Grian turn to him with an expression of despair stark on his face.

"Was it all just a lie, EX?" Grian looked down at his hands. "Was I being used?" 'Are you and me a lie? Are you just using me?'

"Wha- Grian, neve-"

"Get out of my head." He snapped his fists shut, purple sparkles forming around them, teeth clenching.

Purple eyes met ruby red.

The Evolutionists sat still in the tension of the room, Xanthus and Grian staring each other down.

"Uhh, guys-" Martyn started, grabbing his sword. "They're here."

Taurtis smiled at Grian, though it wasn't in his eyes. "How about we send out our little Watcher friend first?"

Xanthus moved subtlety into a position to beat defend Grian, hands loose by his sides.

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