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"A little to the right, Scar! That's it, now, forward-" Tango slipped down from the pig he was riding, glancing up at the vent where the mayor was hiding. "And I'm in."

"Now get the throne and get out before someone hears us." Scar slid down the lead, his red eyes still scaring the living daylights out of Tango. The only people that knew Hels had possessed Scar was the H.E.P members, thinking it wise to let them know that if they didn't listen to him... they'd die. Simple as that.

"Ok..." He pulled out his pickaxe, mining up the diamond blocks that were in the open, and shulker that contained the rest. "Now That I've hacked the system, the traps won't activate on the way out."


They stepped across the pressure plates lining the floor, pressed the button, and opened up the 2x2 flush piston trapdoor.


"This has Mumbo written all over it," Hels said matter-of-factly.

"Mumbo!?" Bdubs exclaimed, Cub urging the hyper man to settle down. "Mumbo is such- he's such a spoon! Leader of the Resistance!? Mumbo!?"

"BDUBS." Hels stood up, Scar's red eyes aflame. "Do. Not. Question. Me." He sat back down, Bdubs glancing at his feet before running out the door.

Cub sighed, shaking his head and standing from his chair. "How do you suppose we handle this, Sc-I mean, Hels? Scar?"

"First replace my throne. Second, I'm Hels. In public, call me Scar to avoid suspicious. Third... I need to catch myself a spoon."


Mumbo stroked Grian's wings with the brush gently, preening the feathers. "We're actually planning to move HQ locations. Our current one is compromised."


"I mean, it wasn't really hidden. All you had to do was buy some mycelium." Grian giggled, Mumbo shaking his head and letting out a chuckle.

Grian let his eyes wander around, landing on the fireplace in his mansion, gripping his left hand with his right. He whispered, "Sometimes I even wonder... is there a point to all this?"

Unfortunately, Mumbo heard him. "Listen, Gri... Sometimes, you just need to do whatever your gut tells you to do, and if that's cause chaos to bring back the natural landscape of a mushroom island, then that's what you do."

"I-" He was cut off as a ding from their communicators echoed. "Scar's called a server meeting? Xisuma usually does..." Grian jumped up, threw on his shoes and flew through the Nether portal, Mumbo getting the idea and rushing after him.

They arrived at the Shopping District minutes later, faces making the same expression as everyone else around them, for they were all asking the same question: what's wrong?

Mumbo gasped as he saw the extra wooden platform now built at the Town Hall, and his eyes widened even more as he saw the throne was replaced. "G-Grian..." He tapped his friend's arm, pointing up at the throne, Grian mirroring his shock.

"Already!? They got it already?........ I have a really bad feeling about today..." He saw the platform, he saw the positioning of a lectern; he saw it all, more detailed than anyone around him. And the one thing that his eyes had noticed that shook him most........ was Scar's eyes.

They were red.


Beef was troubled. Wels hadn't responded to the messages he had sent in the last week, and he wasn't at this meeting. What was wrong?


Cleo wanted to break someone's legs. Though that was normal any day, there was one reason in particular that she wanted to dislocate someone's kneecaps.

Joe was missing.


"Citizens of Hermitcraft," a voice boomed from the throne, "I asked you to come today to witness... the banishment of a revolter. The exile of a great threat to our server. Mr. Mumbo Jumbo. We must cleanse our once-great server from these pests."

Gasps were heard from all Hermits, the Resistance members present realizing that, maybe, perhaps, it had been a bad idea to blame someone else for starting their shenanigans.

Mumbo looked down at Grian in shock, but the Watcher wasn't there. Looking around for him, he saw Grian shouldering his way through the crowd, trying to reach the wooden platform. He climbed up the ladder, Mumbo feeling a stone settle in his stomach.

"Scar..." Grian said once he reached the top, spreading his wings, "don't banish him."

"Oh, and why's that?" Scar smiled evilly.

"He's not the leader."


"So what you're saying is... You are the leader."

"That's correct."

"Well then..." Scar smiled, a black mist forming in the air. "Grian, I hereby sentence you to be banished from this land. Your acts have been deemed treasonous. You have one day to pack whatever you can carry and fly away." Scar smiled evilly from his seat atop the throne. "And don't try to return.... or Mumbo gets it."

"No-" Two black shadow-like tentacles grabbed Grian, wrapping around him. "Why... why are you doing this..."

Scar stood and walked down the front of his throne. He glided with an air of authority, come to stop before Grian. "One, I want my f***ing cat back, two, with you out of the way, I can take over Hermitcraft."

A tear formed in Grian's eye. "So it was you. You did this. You- you're evil."

"That is correct."


"GRIAN NO! DON'T DO THIS!" Mumbo shouted from the back of the group, trying to dance around his fellow Hermits.

"Mumbo, be quiet," Scar hissed from on the stage.

"Tell him I'll go in his place."

"No... I-I need to do this Mumbo..." Grian nodded, resolute.

Scar let the shadows dissolve, Grian flying into the Nether the moment he could move.


He sobbed, sitting on his bed, shulkers of materials clustered around him, awaiting passage in his inventory. His life was sitting in those boxes: his old clothes, his mask, his first piece of bedrock, Mumbo's first birthday present to him, which was a little wind-up redstone toy. All of it. Those would go in his ender chest. All the building materials would be in his inventory.

"At least I don't need elytra, so no rockets," he thought sadly.

Glancing one last time at his mansion, he trudged to the exit.

A single mew stopped him.

He turned around and saw Jellie sitting on his bed. 'I want to come with you.'


Well, procrastination at its finest, amirite?


Theories? —>

Maya <3

Banished: Resistance is FutileWhere stories live. Discover now