chapter 1: just the two of us

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"Sayaka," I turned my head as I heard my beloved president say my name.  "Yes, president?" I responded as I walked over to where she was sitting.  The president gave me a sweet smile as I walked over, which was rather rare of her since it seemed she always had a mischievous smirk glued onto her face.  She pulled out a surprisingly large stack of papers and sighed softly.  "As you know, Manyuda is away for family business," she continued, "Yumemi has gone to the states for some contract, Yuriko took the entire week off to help her Traditional Research Club prepare for the school festival, and Runa and my sister are going away for the weekend to represent our academy at a public event." She picked up the stack of papers and straightened them before letting out a light chuckle and said, "Oh and I almost forgot Ikishima.  Well Ikishima is just Ikishima."  I felt an anxiety in my chest grow after coming to the realization that the only active student council members remaining was the president and me.  I looked down at the surprisingly large stack of papers as the president said, "Therefore, it appears that the only soldiers still standing are myself and my dearest secretary."  I stared at the floor as my face began to feel hot and I felt her gaze upon me.  I didn't even have to look up to know that she had that, previously mentioned, mischievous smirk on her face.  

I finally found the courage to speak and said, "I w-will do my best to cover everyone's work, president."  She stood up to face me and gently placed her hand on my slightly trembling shoulder.  This is so embarrassing; I don't know how to act when we're alone.  I got lost in thought for a moment until the president responded to my previous statement, "Now, now, Sayaka, did you really think I would let you take all of the work for yourself?"  I managed to make eye contact with her as she continued, "As diligent as you are, this amount of work is not humanly possible to accomplish by oneself."  As much as I wanted to disagree with her somewhat sarcastic remark, she was right.  I am confident in my studious skills, however, that stack is incredibly overwhelming.  Wait no, what am I thinking?  I can do anything if it is for the president!  "President, I-I am sure I could manage the workload.  I know how busy you are, and I am sure this would burden y-" I was suddenly cut off by the president's perfectly blue painted fingertip lightly being held against my lips.

"Sayaka, you already go incredibly above and beyond when it comes to your duties," she said as she slowly removed her finger from my lips. "You never fail to amaze me with your reliability, now please allow yourself to rely on me more." I looked into her blue eyes which were usually cold; however, they looked surprisingly genuine as she continued speaking to me. I struggled to hide my flustered smile as I said, "If you insist, president." She turned back to the table to pick up the stack of papers and said, "All of these need to be done by tomorrow." I felt my heart drop. There is no way in hell we will be able to finish these all in one night. Of course, the entire student council is absent on one of our busiest work weeks. She turned facing me again, with the papers in her arms, and demanded, "That being said, please come to my dorm right after school." she continued with a smile, "Also, come in comfortable clothing because we may be working for a while." My palms started to sweat a little. Oh. My. God. The president and I ALONE in her dorm room? A hundred thoughts began to race in my mind when they were suddenly interrupted by, "Of course if that's alright with you, Sayaka." My mind finally snapped back to reality, and I quickly responded, "Y-yes, President! Not a problem!" I tried my hardest to hide the anxiousness in my voice.

The bell rang almost on cue as I finished my sentence. "Well then," the president said while reaching for her bag, "I will see you then." My heart was pounding so fast that it felt like it was going to burst through my chest. "Sounds good, president!" She gracefully made her way out of the student council room as I clumsily gathered my stuff together. Spending the evening together in Kirari Momobami's dorm... I couldn't help but let my nerves get the best of me during my last two classes. Honestly, who wouldn't be nervous? Right? The president is the head of one of the most powerful clans in all of Japan. Possibly, the most powerful clan in Japan.

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