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Adam was sitting in his car on the way to "The Voice" tapings, grinning like an idiot while listening to his fiancee's album "Stripped".
After a while Adam parked at his assigned spot next to Christina's and saw that he was the first one to arrive.
He sighed as he entered the all too familiar building and sat down onto the couch in the lounge room. 
Out of boredom, he grabbed his phone and looked at his twitter.
All he saw were tweets from his fans about "The Voice"and his relationship with Christina.
But what caught his attention was a tweet from Christina.
It was a photo of her wearing one of Adam's Shirt's with a caption: "The best way to spend your flight is watching some movies while wearing your fiancé's clothes! ;) P.S: @adamlevine sorry babe for stealing your shirt! I love you though! <3 XoXtina"
Adam smiled at the picture, but what he didn't saw was the girl behind his back until..
"Mr. Levine?"
Adam turned around quicker than the speed of light at the voice of his beautiful fianceé Christina.
"Christina!! You're back!" He pulled her into a bone crushing hug.
Christina giggled and said sarcastically: " Nope. It's just my clone!"
Adam raised his eyebrow and Christina just dragged him to the couch and when he sat down, she sat into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Then she nibbled on  his ear and whispered: "I missed you baby."
Adam looked at her and smiled. "I missed you too beautiful."
"Really?" Christina smirked. "I'd like to see how much."
Adam grabbed her by her waist and brought her closer to him, then he leaned in and lightly pecked her on her lips.
Even though the kiss started as a small peck, the built up sexual frustration between the two of them lead to another heated make out session.
But as soon as it started, it had to end. Why?
Because there stood, in all his southern glory, Blake Shelton.
"Damn y'all! It's not even noon and y'all are at it like rabits."
Adam didn’t dare to buldge, but Christina tried to get off of him. Key word tried.
Adam held her tightly around her waist. 
Christina sighed and rolled her eyes at her immature fiancé then Adam spoke: "Shut up Shelton! Don't ruin my chance to be with my beautiful girl just because you’re jealous."
Blake just looked at him with raised eyebrow and said: "HAHAHAHA I'm not jealous pretty boy!"
"Heey! He's my pretty boy!"Christina shouted as she hugged her fiancé.
Blake smirked as he sat on the opposite couch and asked: "Really now? Where are your rings?"
Before anyone could answer, Carson walked in and said that they have to go on stage..

***After the tapings, Adam's house***

After the tapings, Christina decided to spend the night at Adam's house because Max was at Jordan's.
So now Adam and Christina were curled up in his bed, watching Burlesque.
Even though Christina protested, Adam persuaded her to watch it..
"Ugh babe! Why do you have to be so hot in that movie?!" Adam asked as the movie ended.
Christina looked at him and smirked."Well, I'm hot all the time so it doesn't matter."
"Vain much?" Adam joked.
"Yeah, I'm. If I were you I would kiss me."
Adam smirked and leaned down to kiss her, but that soon turned into something hot and steamy. Just like their relationship

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