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Author's note: I'm so sorry for my absence, but I've started high school, so I don't have much time for Wattpad.. But since today is AdamTina day I thought that I would update this.. :) and When this story ends, I'll post the sequel of "My One and Only...Soul Mate" called "Love Heals Everything"
Soo I hope u enjoy this and I lova y'all! <3

”Will you let me be the one? Christina Maria Aguilera, will you marry me?"

Christina looked at him and smiled as tears were running down her cheeks.
 She didn’t even wiped them away, because they were happy tears.
With a wide grin on her face she nodded.
“Yes, I’ll marry you.”
Adam stood up and slid the ring on her finger and hugged her.
 When they released from each other, he held her face in his hands and kissed her.
“I love you.” He whispered to her as  they released.
The crowd went crazy. Everyone was screaming and cheering for the newly engaged couple.
“So, there you have it! At first they hated each other and now they will be getting married! Congratulations guys!” Carson came on the stage and congratulated them both.
“Do you want to go to the backstage Christina?” Carson asked.
 Christina grinned and kissed Adam’s cheek.
“Well, since you’re a part of our family, you can sit with one of our coaches. But with who?” Carson teased.
 Blake started doing his signature ‘finger pointing’ thing and Christina laughed.
“I choose… Bl.. Adam!” Christina said.
 “Okay.” Carson laughed.
Then Adam scooped Christina into his arms bridal style, and walked to his chair.
Then Adam sat first and Christina sat onto his lap.
Then they continued with the show.
Before the show ended, Carson came back onto the stage  to announce the winner of the season.
 “And the winner of season four is… Danielle Bradbery from Team Blake!”
Danielle started crying and then Blake came to her and hugged her.


The coaches were sitting in the lounge room and celebrating the end of the season and also Adam and Christina’s engagement.

“So, how the hell did you came up with an engagement?” Blake asked Adam.
Adam looked at him and said:  “Well, She’s Hot and I’m hot too, so why not?” he joked, but Christina shoot him a glare.
“And I thought that you loved me.” Christina pouted and then added. “You’re mean!”
  And with that Christina pretended to cry.
 Adam looked at her and kissed her. “You know that I love you, right?”
“Well, you can show me how much when we will be at home.”
Christina smirked.
Adam looked at her and grinned. “You can bet your hot ass, that I’ll show it to you baby.” And with that he kissed her passionately.
“Find a room!” Blake shouted.
Adam looked at him and said: “Well Blake we are in a room.”
Christina laughed as she kissed Adam’s cheek and said: “Guess what babe?”
“What? “
“You’re mine forever!”
Christina grinned.
Adam smirked and wrapped his arms around her and rested them on her ass.
“You were mine, you are mine and you will be mine no matter what Mrs. Levine.” He kissed her.
“I think, I’m gonna throw up! Next season would be a torture for me!” Blake shouted and everyone laughed.
“Blake, weren’t you the one with Ceelo who wanted us to be together?” Christina asked.
Blake was silent, so Christina said: “Love you Blake, but I gotta go home.” She turned to Adam and asked: “Honey, will you come with me?” she pouted.
Adam looked at her and pretended to think about it.
 “Hmm, Being home all by myself and sleeping alone or going home with my sexy fiancée and sleeping with her.. That’s a tough decision, don’t you think babe?”
He looked at her face and continued: “Of course I’m going to your house!”
Christina grinned at him. “Yay!  C’mon  babe, we’re going home!”
She kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear: “I bought some new sexy lingerie for me, so hurry up.” She winked at him and started walking away.
  Adam’s eyes darkened with lust and then he said to his fellow coaches: “Sorry guys, but I gotta go. Blake see you in next season!”
And with that Adam hurried to Christina, but Blake stopped him.
Hey Adam, Do you have whipped cream?”
 “Because you’re whipped!”
Blake laughed and Adam shoot him a glare.
Then he went home with Christina to celebrate their engagement.
(A/N: Your dirty minds can imagine what they did. J )

*few weeks later*

They were at the airport, waiting for Christina’s plane to arrive. She was going to Rwanda for her WFP and Adam was going on a “Rock in Rio-Lisbon”.

“I’ll miss you baby.” She said, wrapping her arms around him tightly.
“I’ll miss you too baby, but don’t worry, I’ll be texting and calling you every day!” he said as he hugged her too.
“Promise?”She looked up to look at him, her eyes full of tears.
Adam wiped away her tears, and put her hair behind her ear and kissed her softly.
“I promise baby.” They kissed again.
Then her flight was called.
“I have to go now, bye handsome. You know that I’ll miss you so much and I love you sooo much!”

“I love you too Christina!” and with that he kissed her and she joined her management in the line for the plane.

You Lost MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora