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Five years had passed since Christina last saw Adam. She was deeply in love with him back then. Now everything was gone. Gone for good. She got to move on. She has a happy life now. Actually she even got to find a new love.

Tomorrow was her wedding day. And she was very excited about it. Nate was the first guy after Jordan she loved as much that she could marry. Well, not the first one. There was also Adam. Her feelings for him were too strong. Stronger than for Jordan or Nate. But maybe that was the problem? These feeling were too much for her to take. She couldn’t handle them. She wasn’t ready for them.

Anyway Adam had never felt something for her. He used her. He played with her feelings. He made her believe that their feelings were mutual and then just left her heartbroken.

She left The Voice. She couldn’t stay there with him anymore. She had to leave. She crossed out him out of her life. With him she crossed out everything that was connecting her to him. Still common friends, parties or different shows continued bringing them up together. But not for too long. With time they met more and more rarely.

A year had passed after he hurt her in the worst possible way when she finally got to escape their common circle of friends. For more than a year she was still feeling heartbroken. Her only light in life was her son Max. She devoted herself to Max completely trying to get over the pain she was left with.

But another year had passed and she met Nate. She met him on the party her friend got to take her to. He was a beginner actor. The first time they met he had just received the news that he got a main role in a new TV show. Christina was introduced to him as to soon-to-be-famous-actor. That night they had a lot of fun. Before saying goodbye he called her for a dinner the next day. She hesitated at first but then she thought it was time to move on. She had to stop being heartbroken. She couldn’t stay like that forever. So she agreed.

The dinner went on good and he invited her for another one. She started to like this guy. He was nothing like Adam. Not even close. So different. That was exactly what Christina needed. He was sweet and caring. He treated Christina like the most important girl in his life. She started falling for him.

Years had passed. Her feelings were going stronger. She already loved him a lot when a few months ago he proposed to her. She immediately agreed. She was so happy. She was excited all this time. She wanted it. She really did.

Christina was getting ready for the party she was having tonight. Girls party before her wedding day. She was alone in the house as Jordan took Max for tonight. They both were supposed to come straight to the wedding ceremony tomorrow.

A lot of girls were invited for this party. They all were Christina’s close friends. But it was still a lot of them. The party was fun. She enjoyed it. It ended in early a.m. hours. It could continue for more but the bride needed to get enough of sleep before her big day. Girls started to leave slowly as it was leaving just Christina, Candice and Miranda.

Yes, Christina invited Miranda. Though she was out of circle of friends that she and Adam shared she still continued talking to some people. One of them was Miranda. Meetings with such people were always private. They were in places where she would never get to meet Adam. Somewhere safe. And subject of Adam had never been brought up. He was always forgotten. Everyone knew how Christina felt about him. Though six years had passed it was still a forbidden topic.

“I’m sorry” Miranda said to Christina realizing how awkward the situation was getting. “Blake promised to take me after the party and I have no idea where he is.”

“It’s ok” Christina smiled as Miranda went to call Blake. In five minutes she was back.

“He said he will be in twenty minutes” Miranda said with irritation in her voice. “He decided to have a little party too. And now he’s drunk. One of his friends agreed to give him a lift. And for me too. Hope it’s ok if I linger for twenty more minutes?”

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