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In the morning Christina woke up from Max's voice that was calling for her. "Mum it seems my cough got worse" Max complained coughing as he saw Christina opening her eyes.

Getting up from the bed Christina realized she was getting out of Adam's embrace. She was sleeping in his arms lying on his chest as his arm was around her body holding it tight. As she moved up she woke up Adam.

"Go to bed. I'll come to you in a minute" Christina said but Max didn't move. He glanced on Adam and Christina. Adam was still lying on his back as his eyes were already opened but he was still slowly waking up as his hand was staying on Christina's waist. Christina was sitting on the bed still very close to Adam not moving his hand away. She was fully dressed when Adam's naked torso was showing up from under the blanket that covered him up to his stomach.

"What were you doing at night?" Max asked after a second of watching them.

He was old enough to understand what could have happened. But it was nothing. And well Christina's clothes were still on her. So there was not reason for making excuses. As it was really nothing.

"We..." Adam started talking as his voice cracked in cough.

Christina glanced at Adam with worried look then looked back at Max "We just fell asleep" she finished. "Go to your bed, honey". Max nodded as he went away from Adam's bedroom.

Christina turned to Adam sitting in front of him as he moved up leaning against the back of the bed. Christina reached for Adam's forehead as it was very hot.

"Your temperature grew" she whispered. "And now you also have a cough. I guess you should call a doctor" she was very concerned about him and Adam obviously liked it a lot. He loved when Christina cared about him so much.

"You can be mine" he said quietly making sure that Max didn't hear it as the door stayed open. Christina smiled. She couldn't be angry at him. Especially when he was so adorable right now. He seemed so helpless, so weak.

Christina reached for the thermometer handing it to Adam. "Take the temperature" she instructed. "I'm going to check on Max"

"What about kiss in a forehead?" he whispered as she was getting up from bed.

"Sorry this is just for Max" Christina smiled coming out of the room.

Christina sat on the edge of Max's bed. "How do you feel?" she said caringly touching his forehead.

"Fine. Just my throat aches" Max answered. "Mum?"


"What is going on between you and Adam?"

'Nothing. Why are you asking" Christina caressed her sons face thinking about his question. What was going on between them? It should have been nothing. But was it the truth? She doubted that. She knew it was a lie. They felt for each other. But Max shouldn't know about their feelings. And if to answer about their actions then nothing had happened.

"Mum, you were sleeping with Adam"

"I told you, we fell asleep yesterday. We were talking and drifted away to sleep" Christina gave a little smile.

"You weren't lying just on his bed. You were lying next to him, in his arms"

"Max, there is really nothing. We are just friends" Christina tried to convince him though she didn't believe those words.

"Promise?" Max whispered.

"Of course I do. I'm married to Nate and I love him" she said convincing him. And it worked.

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