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It’s been five months since Christina last heard from Adam. It was then, in his house. It seemed he realized that she wasn’t his anymore. That he had to stop fighting for her. It was time to let her go. There was no letters, not texts, no meetings, even no encounter. He left her alone as she asked him.

But somehow it didn’t feel as good as it had to. She missed him. She missed his eyes, his voice, his smile, she missed even their fighting. She missed everything about him.

It seemed not having him in her life was better but it felt otherwise. Her feelings for him just magnified during this time. The pain was slowly fading as the time was passing by. It was still inside her but it didn’t hurt that much. The time was really curing. But it was just about the pain. Feelings left the same. She would never be able to feel something like this for Nate. She would never miss him like this. Adam still owned her heart. The only one who owned it. Nate could be her official husband but he would never have such an impact on Christina as Adam had.

It was Christina’s birthday. Sadly Nate was having shootings today. But she had been in this business and she knew that he couldn’t cancel it. But he got to convince the producers to leave the work earlier than usual to be by Christina’s side on her birthday. Maybe he wouldn’t be able to be with her for whole day as she dreamt of but at least they would have the whole evening and the night.

Also he got to linger a little bit more in the morning, making it amazing for Christina. He made her a breakfast and gave her a lot of beautiful presents. A little bit later Max ran into the room wishing his mum happy birthday. They had little birthday family breakfast and then spent some more time together. Later on Max went back to his room leaving Nate and Christina alone in the room so they could have a little make out session.  It was the best morning Christina could ask for. The day started perfectly.

But after some time Nate still needed to leave for the work. Christina relaxed in her bed for some more time. She had a party later at night in one of the clubs. Her make-up team was coming at 3am. By then she had plenty of time. So she wasn’t in rush enjoying the perfect morning.

She still was staying in the bed when she heard a doorbell.

“I got it!” Max shouted running downstairs. Christina could hear the door opening and some greetings. Well, it must have been greeting but the sound wasn’t clear. After a minute she heard Max’s voice again. “Mum, it’s for you”

Christina was still having pajamas on. So she quickly reached for a robe and went to see who came.

“I’ll be in my room” Max smiled as he saw Christina.

“What are you doing here?” Christina said coming closer to the door. She could feel as everything inside her lit up at the sight of him. She hated this feeling. But at that moment it felt so good. Somehow she was happy to see him. Though she pretended she wasn’t.

“Wanted to wish you a happy birthday”

“The best present for me would be that you didn’t show up. You were doing great these for the past months” Christina snapped back.

Adam just smiled lightly. “Can I come in?” He asked as they were still standing at doorway.

“Yeah” Christina sighed.

“The best present for you is me” he smirked as they settled on the couch in the living room.

“Oh, no!” Christina said with a shocked face that he dared to say it. Though everything inside her agreed. At the moment seeing him was really a good feeling.

“Max thinks otherwise” the smirk of self-confidence didn’t go away from his face. It irritated Christina a little. But not that much as she showed it. Actually in some point she even liked it.

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