Chapter 21

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Chapter specific warnings: none

The date that afternoon went amazingly well. All you did was take a walk through a park, talking and munching on some curry buns that Katsuki had made himself. You had really enjoyed spending time alone with him. Which was why you did the same almost daily after that. You wouldn't always go out, sometimes you'd just hang out in his room, playing video games or watching random shows on TV. But no matter what you did together, it was always a lot of fun.

Days turned into weeks, and you knew you had fallen for him again, but you had yet to reveal it to Katsuki. Maybe today would be the day. He was taking you out on yet another date, and you were really excited.

When you walked outside the dorm building, Katsuki was already waiting for you. You gave him a big smile. You had gotten ready as quickly as possible after classes were over and expected to beat Katsuki to it. But that didn't seem to be the case. You stopped in front of him, and the smirk on his face made you weak in your knees.

"Took you long enough," he said, trying to sound annoyed but it didn't work. You could still tell how happy he was to see you.

You stuck out your tongue. "Well, I wanted to look presentable for our date."

"You always look beautiful."

Flustered you looked away, your heart beating way too fast. You still weren't used to Katsuki flirting so openly with you. He had gotten a lot bolder the more time you spent together. You were embarrassed by your own reaction, but you couldn't help yourself either. He, on the other hand, thought it was adorable. "Cute," he said with a grin.

This guy would be the death of you.

You cleared your throat. "So, where are we going?"

"The arcades," he simply said.

You opened your eyes in surprise. "That's one of my favourite places!" Your face was beaming.

"I know it is."

His eyes were so soft, and you knew that he had picked this spot simply because he knew how much you enjoyed it. "We used to go there a lot," he explained. "But be warned, to this day, you've never managed to beat me in any game."

You pouted a little. "Bold of you to assume I'd believe you. You could just be saying that because I don't remember."

He chuckled. "Well, only one way to find out, right?"

And with that, you started walking towards the city centre. You were talking about random things, and it felt so natural. Something that you had never felt with Yami. The conversation wasn't forced, it just flowed. You didn't even talk about anything important. It was fun, and you felt like you were floating. Only a few weeks ago, you had told Katsuki that you wanted to properly fall in love with him before committing to a relationship. But deep down, you knew that you were already head over heels for him. That didn't change anything, though. You still wanted to enjoy the aspect of going on dates before making it official. It just felt right that way. Besides, it was exciting to know that you both had these feelings but were taking it slow nonetheless.

Katsuki felt the same. He didn't think he would be able to bear being around you without being an official couple. He thought his urge to kiss you and hold your hand would be too strong. That he wouldn't be able to enjoy himself without being able to call you his girlfriend. But he was wrong. Katsuki loved how flustered you were when he flirted with you, loved how the tips of your ears gave away your feelings whenever he touched you. He absolutely adored how you started showing him your emotions with the smallest of gestures.

Lead Me Out Of The Dark - [Bakugou x Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt