Chapter 6

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Chapter specific warnings: none

It wasn't as much in your words as it was in the way you were carrying yourself. The way your eyes sparkled and your lips were constantly curled into a breathtaking smile. An instant giveaway of how happy you were. Katsuki knew that because he knew you. Everything about you. Your deepest secrets, you had shared them all with him. Not too long ago, it had been him that made you shine like that. His love and attention had been what made you as happy as you were at this very moment.

But now, he was only a silent spectator. Sitting on the sidelines, benched for the rest of his life. Or at least for as long as you were with that sleazy idiot that you were calling your boyfriend now. He didn't mean to eavesdrop, but he also didn't make any effort of leaving the room while you were telling your girlfriends all about your newfound relationship. It was tearing him up from the inside, but he couldn't bring himself to leave.

"Spill the beans, (y/n)," Mina said excitedly. "How did he ask you out?"

You grinned. "It was so romantic," you said, purposefully dragging your story out to build suspense. "We went back to this park where he had taken me on our first 'date' after leaving the hospital. Only this time he had prepared a picnic for me."

"So cute," Ochako said in awe, having the other girls nod in agreement.

"Well, we were sitting on this blanket, surrounded by trees and wildflowers. Then Yami suddenly started talking about how he couldn't stop thinking about me ever since he first laid eyes on me." You couldn't help but blush while recalling the memory. "He said he knows that we have only known each other for a few months, but that those months were enough for him to fall in love with me."

The girls around you started squealing, clearly enjoying the romantic words that Yami had said to you. "So then he asked me whether I feel the same and if I would do him the honour of being his girlfriend."

By now, you were beet red, and your friends were almost on the edge of their seats. "You really lucked out with this one, (y/n)," Toru said giggling.

You shrugged your shoulders. "I guess after the accident and losing my memories, I did deserve some sort of reward."

A collective giggle went through the room, and Katsuki wanted to die. He was just about to leave when you spoke up again. "I still can't believe that I finally have a boyfriend. I finally get to experience all my firsts an-"

The faint sound of a tiny explosion made you stop. What was that? You looked to the side and saw Katsuki walking out of the room. Had he been here the entire time? Did he cause the explosion? He looked upset, and his palms were sparking, you couldn't help but wonder if he was okay. Maybe his grandma was in the hospital again?

"Bakugou," you said, making him stop. "Are you okay?"

No. He wasn't okay. You were talking about all these firsts you would share with this guy that wasn't him when in reality, you had already experienced all of these things. With Katsuki. He was your first kiss. Your first boyfriend. Your first time. It was all him, but you didn't remember, so no, he wasn't okay. Not even in the slightest.

He huffed. "What's it to you?" Was all he said before hurrying off.

You looked at your friends. "What the hell is wrong with him lately?" Mina asked, receiving nothing but shrugs in return.

Katsuki couldn't do this much longer, so he fled into his room. The moment the door closed behind him, the dam in his eyes broke once again. Fuck. His girlfriend was now in a relationship with another guy. You officially chose to be with someone else, and he had to accept that. He was like a ghost in your eyes, and he had to be okay with that. He was merely a shadow lurking around corners, watching you and hoping you would someday recognise him for who he really was and for who you had loved.

Lead Me Out Of The Dark - [Bakugou x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora