Chapter 7

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Chapter specific warnings: none

"Hi Yami," you chirped into the speaker of your phone when your boyfriend picked up.

But you were met with silence. "Yami?" You asked him. "Are you there?"

You could hear him sigh. "Yes I'm here, (y/n). Are you?"

"What do you mean? Of course, I'm here. I'm speaking to you." You had no idea what he was talking about.

"Well, it sure as hell didn't sound like you were there for me when I tried talking to you earlier." He appeared irritated, a tone you had never really heard from him before.

You were utterly confused. "W-what? We did talk earlier. You hung up on me, remember?"

"Oh don't give me that. I hung up because you were with another guy and it upset me." His voice was a lot deeper than usual. What was wrong with him?

You took a deep breath. "Yami," you said. "Are you jealous?"

"Do I have reason to be jealous?" He asked back.

You let out a sigh. "God no, Yami. Why do you even ask such a question?!"

"Excuse me for being concerned about my girlfriend spending time alone with another guy"

You didn't know whether you should be annoyed or not. You would never betray Yami like that, and you didn't like the implication in his statement. But at the same time, you thought it was quite adorable that he cared about you so much. "It's not like that at all, Yami. I swear on my life. We were just hanging out in my room, tal-"

He suddenly interrupted you. "You were hanging out in your room? Alone?"

"Well, yeah..." You swallowed hard when you realised that you had upset him.

"And how am I supposed to feel about that, huh?" He sounded genuinely hurt.

You bit your lip. What were you supposed to say? "I... I'm sorry, Yami. I didn't mean to upset you." Words couldn't describe how bad you felt about what you had done.

He sighed deeply. "It's fine. As long as you promise not to do this again."

Quite frankly, you were shocked by this request. No, it wasn't a request, it was more of a demand, but you couldn't really refuse him either way. Not after upsetting him so much. You cared deeply for Yami, but Eiji was like your brother, that was a hefty price to pay. "Yami, I know you're upset, but Eiji and I have known each other since we were little kids. He's like my brother. Please don-" But he interrupted you again.

"You're my girlfriend, (y/n). And while I trust you, I don't trust any of these wannabe hero guys. Who knows what his true intentions are." He sounded so serious, and you didn't know how to handle the situation or what to say. So instead, you stayed silent. "I take your silence as a no then. Fine, if this is a one-sided relationship, then I don't know if this will work."

"Yami, no wait," you quickly said, tears on the verge of spilling from your eyes. You couldn't lose him, not like this.

He clicked his tongue. "I think I've waited long enough, (y/n). Do you know how much I sacrifice for you? I skip after school activities to be with you, and I'm falling behind in class because I spend my evenings talking to you instead of studying. I even stopped talking to all my female classmates, so they don't get the wrong idea. Hell, I'm carrying a picture of you around so that everyone knows I belong to you," He paused, making you feel even worse than before. You didn't know what to say. You had no idea that he gave up so much for you. "I'm doing all of this because I'm in love with you and I get nothing in return. You're always either training or hanging out with people that don't even deserve your time. Not a single one of them was there for you when you were in the hospital, and now that you're back, they suddenly care about you again?"

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