Chapter 15

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Chapter specific warnings: y/n sees naked ppl, making out and touching ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), awkward removal of clothes, talk about sexc time, hickeys, cheating I guess..., also angst but wbk.

The moment you realised what was going on, you let go of Katsuki and pushed yourself away from him a little. He looked as confused as you felt and you didn't know what to do.

"What's wrong?" He asked you, now unsure of his actions.

You took a deep breath, trying to steady your heartbeat. "Katsuki, I... I have a boyfriend. You can't just kiss me."

The blonde didn't want to get angry. He wanted to stay calm, wanted to stay patient with you. He knew that everything was confusing for you and that he couldn't be too pushy. He was aware that you technically still had a boyfriend, but he also knew that you clearly didn't want to be with that blue-eyed bastard anymore. He didn't understand why you were still pretending to be loyal to your 'boyfriend' when he so clearly tried to manipulate you.

Katsuki knew all of this, but he was frustrated. He had held back for so long, had cried over you so many times, had tried to win you back and thought he succeeded, but all of a sudden you decided to retreat.

Katsuki knew he would regret the words he was about to say, but he couldn't help himself. All the feelings he had suppressed just needed to be released.

"Oh, you have a boyfriend? Is that why you spend more time with me than him? Is that why you let me hug you all the time? Why you just wrapped yourself around my body? I understand that you're confused, but that isn't cool. If you're so loyal to that manipulative guy, then stop giving me wrong signals."

You were shocked by his words and judging by his facial expression, he was shocked too.

He didn't know whether he had fucked things up, but he did know that this had to be said. He wasn't expecting you to confess your undying love for him then and there, but he did want something - anything to hold onto. He felt lost and lonely, he had thought everything was going in the right direction, but it felt as though you were just toying with him.

Deep down, he knew that this wasn't the case, but he was terrible with feelings, and this entire situation was too much for him. Clearly being understanding and patient wasn't working. He was fed up with it. He decided to leave you alone until you had sorted your feelings out. He couldn't keep up this strong facade around you any longer.

You watched him swim towards the dock, pulling himself out of the water. His muscular back flexing, making you bite your lip, you couldn't deny your attraction towards the blonde. He was right, you had done all of these things. And you had enjoyed the kiss you shared. But none of that mattered. Not as long as you were in a relationship with Yami.

You decided at that moment that you would break up with your boyfriend as soon as you returned from the trip. You didn't know whether you wanted to immediately start dating Katsuki, but at least you'd be free to do so without feeling like you were a cheater.

Yami deserved to hear those words before you started anything with another person.

You followed Katsuki out of the water. You were so confused. You didn't know what you were supposed to do or say. You watched him dry himself off, and all you wanted was to go over and hug him tightly. You realised that the blossoming feelings you had were mutual, and you wanted to see him happy.

"Katsuki," you said, calling out his name.

He looked at you, and you could see the hurt on his face. You didn't understand why he was that upset. Sure, the crush might have been mutual, but did he expect you to hook up with him while dating someone else? He should realise that you weren't that kind of person.

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