Chapter 9

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Chapter specific warnings: none

When the door in front of you opened, you were equally confused and afraid. Yami looked from you to the scattered papers on the desk and back. He looked angry, scary almost, and you wouldn't have blamed him, you went through his stuff after all. But the fact that you had found a folder full of information about you made you feel as though it had been your right to see it.

"I didn't mean to go through your stuff," you said, hoping that would lead to a calm discussion about what the hell it was that he kept in this folder.

He scoffed. "And yet here you are, having done exactly that."

"I'm sorry but," you started, picking up the file. "What the hell is this?"

He just looked at you. He wasn't saying a single word, and if it wasn't for the loud beating of your heart, you could have probably heard the gears in his brain working. It felt like it took ages for him to reply, and it was suspicious. Was he trying to come up with a lie?

But then he started to look conflicted and sighed deeply. "Fine," he said, motioning you to sit on the bed. "I'll explain it to you."

You shook your head. "I'm not doing anything until I know what's going on."

"Alright then," he sighed, scratching his head. "You know I want to become a doctor, right?"

You nodded. Of course, you knew that. It seemed to be one of the only things you knew about Yami.

"Well, after meeting you and hearing about your case of amnesia, I got curious. I knew about cases where people only forgot selective things, but your memory loss is so specific. I feel like it must mean something, as though there's more to it," he explained.

You couldn't help but let out a deep breath. So he wasn't up to anything shady after all.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you. But I've been trying very hard to figure out what's wrong with you and maybe find a solution on how to bring back your memories," he said. "I'm sorry I haven't made much progress yet."

You shook your head. "Don't apologise, Yami," you said softly. "I really appreciate that you're doing this for me." You opened the file and flicked through the pages. There was a lot of trivial information and pictures from your time at UA from before you lost your memories. "I was just a bit freaked out when I saw this... extensive research."

He smiled lightly. "As you should. I think everyone would be," he admitted. "I really didn't mean any harm. The reason I didn't want to tell you about this was that I know how much you hate that your classmates are trying to jog your memory and I didn't want you to feel like I'm pushing you too."

Your gaze softened further, and you walked towards him, dropping the folder back onto the desk. You gave him a long hug. "I'd never think that of you," you reassured him.

For a while, you were just standing there, enjoying a warm hug. When you moved over to sit on the bed, you could tell that there was more on Yami's mind. "What's the matter?" You asked him.

He sighed. "I guess that now that this is out in the open, I might as well tell you everything."

You swallowed hard. You had no idea what Yami was talking about.

He was quiet for a moment, seemingly lost in thought, and you were giving him the space he needed. He could continue once he was ready. "The reason I couldn't take you home to my parent's place is that they kicked me out," he suddenly said. You looked at him in shock. "They wanted me to break up with you, said that a girlfriend was just getting in the way of my studies." He sounded bitter and upset. "They said a quirkless boy like me needs to work twice as hard and that I don't have time for girls."

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