Chapter 5

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Chapter specific warnings: none

"No, you hang up first," you said, giggling into your phone. You were currently standing in the kitchen of your dorm building, talking to Yami while preparing dinner. You had seen him just a couple hours ago, but you already missed him a lot. "Okay, I ring you after dinner," you giggled again. "Nooo you d-"

Your conversation was interrupted by your bubbly friend Mina. "If you don't hang up, I'm going to squirt acid on your phone, and then you won't be able to talk at all," she said irritated. "So hang up already."

You rolled your eyes. "Fine." You turned away from Mina, whispering into your phone. "I'm being forced to leave, but I'll call you back later." And with that, you finally hung up.

"Geez, was about time," Mina said with a sigh.

You shrugged your shoulders, taking ingredients out of the fridge. You and Mina were on cooking duty, and she was annoyed that you had been on the phone to Yami instead of talking to her. "Calm down, Mina. It's not like I didn't help you while being on the phone. You gotta stop complaining every time I don't put you in the centre of my attention."

She looked at you, confused and slightly offended. "What the hell? Do you think I'm jealous because you talked to him instead of me?"

"Well yeah..." You said, earning laughter from your friend.

She raised her eyebrows. "Girl, I couldn't care less about who you're talking to, but that dude is weird, and I don't like how you act when it comes to him."

You glared at her. "What the hell are you talking about? You don't even know him!"

"Yeah, but neither do you," she said irritated.

You crossed your arms in front of your chest. "What is that supposed to mean? Of course, I know him."

"Oh yeah? You met in the hospital like what... a couple of months ago? Can't you see that you're rushing things way too much?" She looked concerned, which made you even angrier.

"Sometimes you meet people that you just click with and we had exactly that. Don't try to undermine my feelings just because you never met a person you instantly felt at home with." You didn't even realise that you had started yelling and that more and more people entered the kitchen.

"What the fuck, (y/n). I've never said that your feelings aren't real or anything. All I'm saying is that you should be careful. I don't understand why you're so blind." Mina too crossed her arms over her chest. The tension in the air was so thick, it could have been cut with a knife.

"Careful? He's been there for me when I was alone, so how dare you tell me to be careful around him?" You yelled.

Mina's face darkened. "You weren't alone. I wanted to visit you, we all did, but we weren't allowed to. And just because you think you know him, doesn't mean that you actually do. I don't understand why you can't see that."

You rolled your eyes. "And what exactly is it that Yami did that makes you feel like he's not to be trusted?"

"I'm not saying that he is a bad person, (y/n). I'm just asking you to be careful. You see him every day, and it's not like you to rush things like that. Something doesn't feel right... I mean..." She said but stopped herself.

You narrowed your eyes. "You mean, what?"

"His name literally means darkness. That's fucking weird," she said, scratching her head.

What the hell? How was that a reason not to trust him? It wasn't him who chose that name. "Oh right, so because his parents decided to pick that name for him, you suddenly think he's not to be trusted? You're ridiculous."

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