Chapter 12

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Chapter specific warnings: none

After your dinner with Yami, you couldn't help but feel uneasy. You were pretty sure that he was hiding something, or at the very least, was caught up in something dangerous. You wanted to help him but didn't know how to. At the same time, however, you very much enjoyed spending time with Katsuki, and it almost felt as though you were a different person when you were with the blonde. It was refreshing and a much-needed change. Everything had felt so negative lately.

It was Saturday morning, only one more week until the camping trip. You really wanted to make up with Eijiro before that, so that he at least wouldn't be opposed to you joining the group.

You had made plans with Yami, but last night Katsuki had come knocking on your door, telling you that he and Eijiro would be going out to buy supplies for the trip. He suggested that you should join them as it would be an excellent opportunity to make up with Eiji. You hated to cancel on your boyfriend, but you couldn't waste this chance to reconcile with your best friend.

So you sent a message to Yami, explaining the situation. Immediately after that, you sent a message to your teacher, All Might. The two of you had a little catch-up every Saturday morning, something that you had established since you moved into the dorms. Nobody knew about these meetings, and you desperately wanted to keep it that way. You didn't even want to think about what would happen if people were to find out that-

The ringing of your phone interrupted your train of thoughts.

"Yami," you said, surprised.

For a moment there was silence on the other end of the line. "Are you seriously ditching me to hang out with some random guys? Specifically, after I told you how uncomfortable it makes me?"

"They're not random guys. Especially not Eiji, he's my best friend, and I really miss him."

He growled. "I am your boyfriend, (y/n). It is me you should be missing and trying to hang out with whenever you can."

"I know, and I do miss you. Honestly! But this is really important to me. I promise we can see each other soon. Please trust me." You sounded like a begging kid that was trying to convince their parents to buy them a toy.

He took a deep breath. "Fine. I do trust you. Just promise me that next weekend is all about us."

Silence. You swallowed hard. "Well about that..."

"Spit it out. What's up?"

You cleared your throat. "I'm kinda gone all of next weekend."

"Kinda gone? What does that even mean?"

You started sweating. You had dreaded telling Yami about your camping trip. You knew him well enough to know that he wouldn't be happy about it. You wanted to say it to him in person, but maybe it was good that you were breaking the news over the phone.

"I'll be going on a camping trip with my friends."

Once this was out in the open, you could only hope that he would take it reasonably well. But the silence that followed was indicating something else.

"What the fuck," he eventually said. "Where's this coming from all of a sudden?"

"Well, I've known about this for a while now, but I only decided to join early this week when Katsuki suggested for me to come."

The moment Yami heard the blonde's name, rage was taking over. You could hear something break on his end of the line. "Yami?"

"So you're telling me that you're going to spend an entire weekend with this guy and you expect me to just be okay with that?"

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