10 - Assasination

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  Percy Jackson was extremely happy but he also had a lot of assignments. But that was justified as he was the assassin of Order and the bane of evil. He had been in this job for 2 monthes and he had really began to help and his hard work was making a difference.

 The son of Poseidon had begun to hone his powers and his fire ones had begun to rival the fire  of other flame users in the army.

 Percy did miss his mom but he would probably send her a message, as long as she was okay, that was what mattered to the son of poseidon. He wouldn't let her get hurt because she wanted to protect him or let him stay with her, plus it would endanger Estelle, his younger sister.

 Percy grabbed his sword and walked towards Order's office when he heard a voice say "  - know what to do, he is just so easy to like. "

 Percy paused in place. " Altheia, I understand that this is hard for you, I can give him a different job if he is distracting you. "

  " Uncle, you don't understand. I - I don't, I don't want him to leave. " Altheia cried.

Order shook his head before saying " I need you to be safe, if he hurts you then I can kill him. Fair?"

 Altheia nodded as she wiped her eyes. " Bye. " she walked out of the room and Percy turned into water so she wouldn't see that he eaves dropped.

 When she walked away, he turned himself back into a human form,  Percy walked into Order's office holding his sword.

  " Next assignment sir?" Percy asked.

  Order looked at him with steely eyes and he looked at Percy's hand with shock " Where the heck did you get that?"

 Percy looked at his wrist where a bead bracelet dangled" Oh, that. Altheia gave it to me. "

 Order scowled at him before saying " Hurt my neice and I will hurt you. "

 Percy nodded.

  " Any way your next assignment might not be something you are excited for you to do. "

 " What. "

  " Kill the leader of the Emerald Throne. "

 * * * * * * * * * * * 

   Percy Jackson was ready for this assignment, sure he didn't want to do it but it was an important job. His whole goal was to get rid of bad guys and these guys could be classified as bad or good.

 But it would be tough for him because they were his family for 2 weeks and he didn't move on quickly.

  The son of Poseidon had arrived back on Chaos's planet, Altheia was with him and the pair were sneaking through the shadows, from there they would get to the library, from there they would then get to the Emerald Throne and the base.

  Altheia led him as she had memorized the streets of Chaos's planet by heart.

 Percy wanted to ask questions but Altheia wouldn't let him do it. The son of Poseidon decided that he would ask questions later.

 Altheia looked at him and mouthed ' Fire. '

 Percy understood what she meant before lighting a small flame in the palm of his hand. He nodded to her, She pulled him to a door and shoved it open, they were in a dark room and Percy now understood why he needed the fire.

 Altheia smiled at him as she walked towards another door. She shoved it open with a kick and Percy realized where they were.

 The library of Chaos.

  * * * * * * * * * * *

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