22 - Return of the Olympian

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    The throne room of the gods was deathly quiet. Artemis had been missing for weeks and no one knew where she was. The 11 Olympians were gathered, Hades and Hestia were also present, trying to figure out what to do.

  They also needed to figure out where Chaos had gone, that last Olympian that had been standing had been Poseidon and he had seen Chaos being tackled to the ground by Percy.

  Speaking of Percy, they were also trying to find him, where could the demigod have gone. The time was getting dark and they all knew that war was on the horizon, but if Order could spare as many troops as he had brought to camp Half - blood than they were stuck in a very bad position.

  There was a loud boom from above them and something crashed into the dome of Olympus, it seemed to be a space shutttle of some sort.

  Zeus looked cautiously at his fellow Olympians before opening up the dome.

  The shuttle tumbled in and folded inwards when it landed near Demeter's throne. Poseidon picked up his trident and walked towards it carefully. Hades and Zeus followed closely and the other Olympians did the same.

  There was a soft scream and Poseidon tapped the ship softly and there was another soft scream.

  Zeus tore of the top of the ship and it revealed a girl curled up in the corner. She looked wounded, scared and tortured. But it was obvious who it is was. 

  It was Artemis.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  Artemis was wounded, both physically and mentally, what was done to her was something she would never forget, no matter how much she wanted to do.

  As she lay on a bed in the infirmary on Mount Olympus, Apollo would come and check up on her, but she couldn't tell him what had happened. She couldn't tell anyone.

 But what she could do was get her hunters to help her in defeating the boy had that had caused all of this. Perseus Jackson.

  She heard footsteps approaching and instinctively she closed her eyes and pulled her legs closer. " I know you are awake Arty. "

  Those words, the exact same ones. But this was more soothing, more calm. But could this be a trick.

  She relaxed and saw Apollo smiling at her, she sighed. Artemis knew she would have to get this over with and she said with her old authority " I need you to take me to the council Now! "

  Apollo winced and helped her up before flashing the pair of them into the throne room.  

  There were many conversations, no one was uselessly bickering, they all knew how grave the situation was. None of the usual rivalries would help them at all. Artemis stood in the center of the room and kneeled. 

  " Why do you kneel my daughter?" Zeus asked.

  Artemis didn't know how to answer, it had become a habit on Vyrmon. " It has become a habit, one I would like to change but I will explain this now. First you must take this darned bracelet off of my arm, it gives him the ability to completely control me. "

  Apollo immediately tried to yank it off but it stayed on Artemis's arm and she clutched it in pain. 

  " Never mind, we can do this later, but what is important is the fact that his base is one the planet Vyrmon. It is hidden underground. He has legions of monsters, demigods, immortals and aliens on his side. We at the moment stand no chance. Plus he is currently in Tartarus, talking to Nyx. This isn't good. "

  The others nodded. "Anything else Artemis?" Athena asked her sister solemnly.

  " Yes, There is news that helps and harms us. I will start with the one that helps. Order has faded. "

  The Olympians started screaming and yelling before Hestia yelled "Shut up all of you, the girl is still explaining something. "

  They all quieted down and Artemis continued talking. " As I said, Order has faded and Void has joined Chaos but the problem is that Percy is more powerful than the majority of the council and has a new ally. He also captured Chaos, he tried to put the controlling device on Chaos but instead he didn't and actually smashed it. 

  He is in turmoil and is extremely confused. We must use this to our advantage.

  I know how to defeat him and get around his base and we need to send a quest immediately. " Artemis concluded.

 Zeus nodded before saying " We have also received news from Nico di Angelo. The armies of Tartarus are raging and consumed with bloodlust. He will arrive with more news in a moment. "

  They all nodded and the ground blew up.

  * * * * * * * * * * *


  Another chapter has been completed. I am enjoying writing this a lot. Though I think I am adding in too much. Next chapter will be Nico arriving and his news plus something else.

  There are 2 main battles left in the book which will take up a large portion of the ending and plus some filler chapters and some things which set things up for the sequel. Be prepared for some major character death. I might do that, but Percy himself won't die.

  The next 2 battles are going to be epic.



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