25 - Ships of War

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  Percy Jackson was prepared for this battle. He had just sent the visitors back to earth and he was ready for battle. He was covered in armor everywhere, there was no place where he could be stabbed by a blade.

  Beside him were 5 people from council, Devon and Aurelia were staying back and getting everything ready for the battle where they would attack New York.

  The plan was simple. Percy and Myra would flood the bottom level, Phyrrus and Aurora would burn the top, Altheia and Jason would stay in the ships and fire the palace. They had troops of around 150 skilled fighters were coming in case they needed some ground support.

     Percy brandished his sword as he entered a space ship. You could see his sea green eyes through the slits in in his helmet. 

  His fellow warriors entered behind him and he walked to his place near the cockpit, he knew how to fly these things. 

  As the ship took off and he flung them into hyperspace, he thought about what would happen if they didn't win the war, what would happen then. Would his people survive. He just hoped that they wouldn't be wrongly punished.

  In the distance, their destination shined brightly.

  Just a few more steps until the universe was theirs.

  * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  Lilija wasn't prepared at all. That was actually an understatement. Her home was being flooded and torched at the same time. She wasn't actually sure how that was possible.

  It had started when she was outside talking to Phillip the Gyro man, well she was ordering food when a ship entered the planets atmosphere. She didn't think much of it because this planet was full of ports for ships and it was trading center of sorts.

  But when the ship turned out to be a war ship and aimed it's guns at the palace. Well at that moment she knew something was wrong.

 Lilija screamed loudly for backup. Hopefully people could hear her.

  The ship rumbled and fired at the palace, the moment the strike hit, the walls collapsed.

  More blasts were fired and the outer walls of the palace were crumbling, it would be a matter of minutes and then the palace itself would fall.

  A boy jumped down from the ship and lifted water from the nearby lake. It rushed towards the palace.

  Lilija froze it quickly and summoned a barrier of ice to defend the palace, she was the daughter of Khione after all.

  The enemy realized that water wasn't going to work and 2 people showed up and summoned fire, burning through the ice. Between the combination of the flooding water and the fire which prevented ice, the palace was going to fall.

  Lilija's friends rushed into the clearing and Chaos's successor nodded before saying " Lilija, this city is counting on you, we are flying to Vyrmon to save Chaos, this is the distraction we needed."

  The daughter of Khione groaned but knew a chance like this wouldn't come again, the chances that they would Chaos, was higher now then ever.

  As another barrage of flames hit, she concentrated more than ever on freezing her surroundings.

  This was her chance to prove herself as the successor of Hydros.

  As water came forward she made it evaporate and reformed it above the ship from the enemy. The water boy realized it and pulled it forward, dropping it on the screaming citizens.

Lilija groaned, this was not fun. She pulled out a staff, made out of wood and coated in ice. Dashing towards the boy who was wreaking havoc, she summoned water from below the ground and blasted it up, it burst through the ground and the boy was launched up.

  He landed on his feet and looked rejuvenated.

  " I am Perseus Jackson. "

  * * * * * * * * * *

  The doors of death were chained once again. Tartarus had caught them again. Now they could have revenge on the Olympians, unfortunately the Titans decided that the Olympians were the right side for this war. It would be an interesting battle for sure.

The giants were marching out again, with Polybotes and Porphyrion at the lead. Kronos hadn't reformed but he probably wouldn't side with the Olympians. The titan knew that the gods probably wouldn't fight. Porphyrion agreed for sure.

 Gaia wouldn't rise but at the moment, victory could be taken easily. 

  The giants would raze Olympus, unfortunately Olympus was being attacked in New York for the final battle. But maybe greece would happen first. He actually hoped that they could burn the roots of Olympus.

  Typhon was also going to come stomping out, he just needed to be pulled out of Tartarus.

  But anything could happen now.

  It was war.

  * * * * * * * * * *  

  Another chapter. I probably will include a battle in greece. Do you like how the story is progressing? Well I certainly do.

  25 chapters down. That is actually amazing. I didn't expect to get this far, this quickly so I must thank you all.


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