18 - Reverse the roles

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    Percy Jackson grinned triumphantly. He had done it. Over come the odds to free himself. Talking his way free. Beside him was Dawn, she had freed him and now she would receive a garruntee from Order that she wouldn't be harmed after the war.

 She did help free Percy after all, the boy who was a weapon for either side, well the one that he was one.  

  At the moment, they were just trying to survive. Percy helped her towards one of the space ships and she got in while the son of Poseidon uncapped riptide and turned his attention to the Olympians.

 Sneak attacking Zeus, Percy put the god in a head lock but Zeus freed himself by zapping Percy with his masterbolt. Throwing it at the dazed demigod, Percy flew backwards into a pile of rubble from the Ares cabin. Picking himself up he slashed at the Olympian. Zeus deflected the blow, using his weapon of power.

  Percy flipped backwards to avoid a strike and tripped over his own leg. Zeus smiled and chucked the bolt at the defenseless boy.

  For a moment it looked like Percy would be killed, but he was saved by Artemis. Not on Purpose though. 

  What had happened was Altheia had realized his dillema and while Order fought Chaos, she was fighting Artemis, she had tossed her opponent at Percy. Artemis was hit by the bolt.

  Percy was mildly shocked and Zeus trembled when he realized what he had just done. He gasped and was too distracted to realize Altheia stab him in the back, his back arched and he cut her leg with his bolt, her leg poured out silver blood and she fell to the ground. 

  Near them, Percy was back up and was fighting Artemis, he was covered in sweat and it was pooling near their feet. Artemis was moving quickly and stabbed his leg with a knife, he grimaced but managed to hit Artemis on the forehead with the hilt of his blade. 

  His leg gave out and he fell to the ground, he didn't what to do now.

  * * * * * * * * * * *

Order was nearing a victory, Chaos was drained, so was he but the monsters and his army was doing well. He had managed to get Artemis captured and get Percy back to the ship.

  His scythe sliced the air and Chaos fired an arrow at him, dodging the barrade he was trying to get nearer to his sister but it was almost impossible, but the key word was impossible, when Chaos dropped her bow and  pulled out a spear.

  That was actually a smart move, that was better for the longer range battle they would have.

  His scythe swiped the air once again and Chaos thrust her spear at him, he deflected the blow and turned to fight Poseidon who showed up behind him.

  He stabbed him in the stomach and smiled. " Good bye sea scum. "

  Order's eyes widened and he toppled over, he slouched over and felt it, Chaos had stabbed him between his shoulder blades.

  The last thing he saw was Chaos being tackled to the ground by a determined boy, one that should have been either dead or in the infirmary. 

* * * * * * * * * * * *  

   His sword was sticking in the insides of dead people. The war was beginning. They would all perish and a new age would rise. Prophecies wouldn't even define it. There wasn't a prophecy for this. 

  No immortal could see the future that affect the whole universe, sure they could pretend but it wouldn't be it. They couldn't predict it.

  Only he could. He was the very being of matter and existence. Combining powers together, Percy Jackson could perhaps hold on but it wouldn't work.

 The universe was of course fading away from existence. Space travel to the next one would be essential.

  People wouldn't survive without it, and for that reason he was supporting a single side.

  No one would expect this.

    * * * * * * * * * * * *

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