9 - Discoveries.

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  Altheia led Order towards the training room, the god not understanding what the big deal was.

 " What is going on Altheia. " Order asked frustratedly.

 Altheia didn't respond but when they reached the training room, she said " Watch what Percy can do. " 

 Order examined the boy with windswept raven black hair, tan complexion and sea green eyes. The boy pulled out his sword and fought 5 demigods that attacked him, wasting no time Percy disarmed one and kicked another in the shin. 

 He summoned fire and disentegrated one weapon and doused another with water to throw them off, 2 people tried to attack him from opposite sides but he ducked to the ground and they hit each other.

 He did some extremely unorthodox things but they all worked until finally he ended his final opponent by knocking them out cold.

 " Lord Order. " the boy said, falling into a deep bow. 

  The primordial nodded before saying " Let's test your other skills. "

  The god helped Percy train against different fighting styles and understand how to use his craziness to his advantage. He could to things that people wouldn't expect. 

 The son of Poseidon learned how to use throwing knives because he could pull them out a belt when he was fighting, he could easily incapitate his opponents with this technique.

 Altheia and Percy both fought each other without any powers and found that their prowess was almost neck to neck. They eventually had to call it a draw after they both collapsed to the ground from exhaustion.

 Order also got Myra to help them with wrestling but the daughter of Hydros completely wiped the floor with Altheia but groaned when Percy showed up, the pair fought until Percy tripped on his own foot and fell face first into the ground.

 Percy decided that they were actually a fun group until Order told him about the arena.

 A place where his strength and powers would be tested to the max, they were training him to place him in the arena. They weren't going to kill him, it would help him improve to the point where he could defeat the general of Chaos's armies, because he would be a general and a leader once again.

 And a spy of course.

 * * * * * * * * * *

  Percy Jackson was not prepared for the arena one bit but Order told him that he would do it now.

 Apparently his opponents would range from monsters to demigods, gods and primordials. Though he would only fight the weaker primordial's, the goal was to knock your opponent unconscious or get them to surrender.

 Order did not want anyone on his side to die at all.

 So here Percy was, standing in the center of the arena. A large 1 was being projected into the center where he was, level 1. His opponent walked into the arena, though Order had made it where the strength level could be stronger in level 2 than in 13 because he didn't want Percy to get into a flow, of easy fights to tougher ones.

  The opponents would be random and he could ask for a different one 3 times. Luckily for the son of Poseidon he would not have to use that ability in the first level because his opponent was a blasted hellhound cub, Percy simply kicked it in the jaw and it howled before leaving him alone. 

 He wasn't so lucky in the second level where the number 2 glowed brightly. A demigoddesses, a girl around the age of 20 and a bow stepped forward, dirty blonde hair waving in the wind.

 Arrow's flew out of her bow faster than Percy could comprehend and he had to move quickly to escape each attack. 

  Ducking and jumping constantly, Percy finally ended up with multiple arrows sticking out of his stomach. In the spur of the moment, Percy blasted the girl with fire and when it disappeared her hair was burned and she was staring at the younger demigod in surprise.

 " Bye. " Percy choked out, he removed the arrows that had hit him.

  His opponent was over come by the heat and collapsed.

  Percy grinned but visibly paled when he saw a drakon charge out of the gates. It was almost on top of him before the son of Poseidon jumped up and held onto the drakon, it noticed that he was there and tried to take him off.

 Percy held on for dear life, he was slammed into a wall and his body slumped to the ground, but yet it also went on Auto pilot and cracked the ground in half, the drakon's lower body fell into the ground and it scrambled to come up, loosing it's grip it fell into the planet's surface.

Many people clapped, Percy was given ambrosia so he could continue and the godly food did help him get up and going once again.

 Round 4 was 4 empousai and he managed to get past them easily.

 Round 5 was a single hellhound and round 6 was a pretty weak demigod. Round 7 happened to be an ex huntress of Artemis.

 Round 8 was when Percy finally was challenged again. 
  Primordials were helping Order against Chais and some of them were Tartarus, Nyx, Erubus and Aether. Percy had to fight Aether and the primordial of light knocked Percy into a wall quickly, the demigod tried to use different powers but they didn't do much damage, his attacks were good the primordial was better, he was losing until he managed to burn Aether from the back and stabbed him when he was distracted.

 Percy grinned before collapsing to the ground.

 Round 9 was a demiprimordial and Percy was beaten, knocked unconscious by a daughter of Erubus. A son of Hades was pissed because apparently he would be fighting in round 10.

 The son of Poseidon awoke with a banner infront of him.

 Order looked at him and spoke.

 " Your'e in. "

 * * * * * * * * *

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