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What is a little pain if I'm in your arms?


'When you know how to fight, it's up to you to decide what you become. You could be a killing machine, or you could be a bringer of justice.' Great words of a simple man. My father.

After his death, all I wanted was to make him proud. So I held onto everything that was about him. Mostly memories. I used to write down his words that I could remember, scared that I'll forget them one day. When I felt like I'm losing myself, I looked at my old writings, trying to recall his voice telling them to me.

How to fight, is just one out of many things he has taught me. Those lessons were the favorite part of the week for Wen Ning and me when we were kids. Ever since he left us, we practiced on our own, to show him what he had made. Not that we have tested, but I don't think there's anyone that the two of us can't tackle down together in this college.

The best thing about his lessons was, he taught more than just how to punch. He taught us when to do so. He taught us a difference between a fighter and a person who throws fists around.

Right now, I'm recalling those words, and getting ahold of myself simultaneously, looking for Lan Zhan all around the college.

And I finally do find him, in the empty alley behind the college, cornered in the dead-end by Wen Chao and his spineless punks. Not a good choice...

I silently walk over to them. "Three against one? Isn't that unfair, Wen Chao?" I say and stand in between Lan Zhan and them.

From the way Cao flinched when he saw me, I could say that he wasn't expecting things to turn to this.

Too bad for him. No one can hurt my friends.

"The Jiang's adopted stray dog is here." He scoffs.

I didn't expect him to back off. Even though he earned some good punches last year trying to do the same to Cheng and me. Wen Chao would do anything to keep up his face, especially around the ones he controlled.

"Stay out of this, Wei Wuxian it's none of your business." He says.

Commanding meaningless things: An indication that he's intimidated by me.

"Are you sure that it's not?" I smirk at him. "Should I connect the dots for you?"

I've dealt with these kinds of situations before. I only have to take one down, and the others will run away.

I recall my father's voice. 'Rule one: Don't throw the first punch unless it's absolutely necessary.'

I wait till it starts, till Wen Chao decides that it's 'lame to skip a fight.' As expected, he balls his fist and brings it to my face. I swiftly bring my left hand up to stop it and punch his abdomen with my right.

"You do have some balls, to start this again after what happened last year. But you're being a fool here." I say with a smirk.

That breaks whatever the rage control he had. He yells while running towards my trying to punch me again. I grab his hand and turn it hard enough to make him feel the pain.

'Rule two: Control your anger.'

I pin his arm behind him, restraining his movements. He slams his elbow to my stomach. I unintentionally release his arm to recover from the impact. One of the others tries to sneak his way to Lan Zhan while I was busy with Wen Chao. I stretch my foot in front of him causing him to stumble on it, falling face first.

Where I Belong (WangXian Modern AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें