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At least, I still can say, "Whatever, cheers to the merrier times."


What does it take to be invincible?

Honestly, I don't think it's possible. But what I know is, all it takes to feel invincible is some good relationships. When you know they've got your back and there's no room for judgment, you start to feel it.

And that's what I'm feeling right now. Fucking Invincible.

We were running to the mall to see who gets there first. As always, Cheng was leading, closely followed by me.

"No luck today." He yells while running.

"Keep on dreaming," I yell back.

We reach the entrance almost at the same time. I keep my hands on my knees to catch my breath.

"I came first," Cheng says between his pants.

We might be eighteen, but believe me, when I say it, I don't think our age will ever take our childishness away from us.

"No. We came together."

Sang who just arrived, does an obscene hand gesture.

I laugh. "Really, Sang," I say as I knock the back of his head.

Yesterday, I called him and listened to his apologies for almost half an hour till he finally let me explain that nothing bad happened.

We look back at the people who didn't join the race, and Wen Ning and Xingchen, who dropped halfway.

"Hurry up, you lazy asses." Sang shouts and Xingchen makes the others walk even slowly.

The three of us applaud for their dramatic slow walk once they arrive. Lan Zhan instinctively stands next to me, and I try my best to not hold his hand. Not that I didn't want others to know about us, I didn't know if Lan Zhan is okay with it. I have to ask him first.

"Xian, next time let's see who comes last. At least then these idiots will walk faster." Sang says.

"Try me, I'll keep standing in one place." Says Song Lan.

"Alright, walking around or straight to lunch?" I ask.

"Walking around." Everyone says almost unanimously.

So we walk around going into different stores, buying stupid stuff. Lan Zhan was with Song Lan, softly talking to each other. Those two got along pretty well. Song Lan too is less talkative, unless it was with us, and sometimes can be a self-disciplined freak.

Like minds get along I guess.

"I could've done some real shopping if Yanli was here," Qing whines, bringing me back to Earth. She was glancing at a dress shop that we just passed.

"I can come with you. And Ning too." Sang says. He does this all the time, becoming all childish around Qing to annoy her. But we knew the story behind it. He was scared shitless of her.

"No thanks. The last time I went to a store with you, you couldn't say the difference between PJs and a normal shirt. And Xian has influenced Ning too much. He doesn't see any color except black."

Sang continues his protests when Song Lan speaks up. "Why didn't Yanli come today?" he asks, mentioning Shijie.

"Wedding planning with the peacock's parents," I reply.

Xingchen smirks. "You two are never going to stop calling him that, are you?" he asks.

"Nope. We call him that to the face, so..." Cheng says.

Where I Belong (WangXian Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now