forty nine

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I didn't move from the top of the stairs for a while. I just sat there with my mind wandering wild. When I had enough energy, I would beat on the door and scream as loud as I could. There was no way that no one could hear me down there. There was just no way. But I also don't know what my grandmother did to the outside of the door. She probably sounds proofed it for all I knew.

I sighed as I ran my fingers over where my communicator once was. I missed it. I missed having the feeling of the cold metal it was made of around my wrist. I missed hearing the little beep when I was needed during an attack. I missed being able to talk to Zordon, Alpha, and the others through it when I needed too. I missed being a Power Ranger. I wasn't feeling so hopeful about seeing any of them every again anymore and the words of those two girls were really starting to get on my nerves.

I couldn't stop thinking about them though. They were real people, and I wasn't as crazy as I thought I was. I just wanted to know how they managed to get to me down here – even with the help of Rita and Lord Zedd. How did they know I was down here? IF they knew, Zordon would have known... and if he known, I wouldn't be down here. It just didn't make sense to me and there was something more to those girls that I couldn't quite pin down. All I knew was after that encounter with them, I was left feeling more vulnerable than before...

After sitting at the top of the stairs for a while, I eventually went back down to the basement just as the lights flickered back on. Thy were still very dim down there but there was enough light that I could use to see – so I used as much of it as I could right now. I grabbed a few sheets of paper and an old broken pencil that I found. There was just enough led on the tip for me to write dully on the paper. All I could think to write was a list of small letters to my friends... just in case I was never able to see them again. I was missing Adam the most... so I wrote him his letter first.

Dear Adam,

I miss you. I miss you so much. You have no idea. I don't know if I'll ever see you again. I don't know if you'll ever see this letter... but I've been locked in a basement inside my grandmother's home. I never knew we had a basement, which was weird... How could I have been so stupid to not have known there was a basement in the house? I don't know. It just didn't make sense to me and it still doesn't. All I know is that I miss you... and I just hope you're happy... I hope you're not sulking over me or even worrying. You deserve to be happy... and I hope you move on from me. You could do so much better anyways. I think about you a lot down here... It might truly be the only thing that's keeping me going... Even with the nightmare that broke me. I can't get those images out of my head but I know deep down you like me. At least I hope so... I don't want that nightmare to be the truth. I don't know what else to say to you other than I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you got so invested in me when you should have turned the other should towards me. You should have run as far away from me as possible. We should have never been friends, let alone date... I'm just, I'm sorry...

Love, Danielle.

A few tears rolled down my cheeks and onto the paper as I stared at the piece of paper in my hands. I folded it up into a little square just like Adam and I usually did before setting it aside and grabbing a fresh sheet of paper and started writing the next letter.

Dear Kimberly,

You've been nothing but kind to me from the moment we met... even when I wasn't so kind to you. I didn't deserve your kindness but yet you gave it to me anyways. I will never understand why. I would never forgive someone for accusing them for being with their boyfriend. I'm sorry I did that... I was in a bad head space and I still am... my mind is telling me things that aren't true and I'm stupidly believing them. I know you're all about Tommy – I can see that... we all can and no that's not a bad thing. You two really are cute together and I think you're a perfect match for each other. I don't know if I'll ever see you again, but I do miss you. I miss everyone so much and I hope you're doing well. Thank you Kim for giving me kindness when I didn't deserve it.

Twenty Four Seven || Adam ParkWhere stories live. Discover now