𝕋ᴀᴋᴇ ɪᴛ

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"Yeji~we found something." I could hear Lia call before I could see her, I looked up over the blonde haired man's head, which was way harder than it should've been and saw the two approaching with what looked like 100s of pieces of clothing.

"Girls, there's something called a budget, you should try it." I came to a stand.

"When have we ever been on a budget." Chaeryeong giggled as she dropped the mound of clothing into my arms, making me stumble a bit.

"Now go change into your favorites." They said in unison with an evil grin, I groaned, trudging into the dressing room.

With much struggle of looking through all the clothes I got into the first outfit, it was a black, leather romper, it was cute yes but its the wrong season for leather. I stepped out of the dressing room to find Lia and Chaeryeong standing there cameras ready, letting out oohs and ahs.

"So, what do you think?" They giggled.

"Its cute, but not for summer." I stated.

"Oh that's fine, we'll save it for winter." Lia waved off, I peeked at the blonde haired man to find that he didn't even look up. Another man came up next to him, looking just as tired and tall, combing his hair back with his fingers, looking curiously at Chaeryeong and Lia.

I went back in, I looked through the clothes some more until I found this multipiece outfit that looked so cute and petite. I slipped it on and stood in front of the mirror, but immediately my smile fell. It didn't look as good as imagined, it made my thighs look huge, like two big meat sticks. I squished them as if that would make them smaller, but it obviously didn't.

"Yeji, hurry up and come out!" I heard Yuna call now, assuming her and Ryujin finished their shopping.

I sighed and stepped out of the dressing room.

"I hate it." I said before anyone could react.

"What do you mean, you look fine?" Ryujin raised an eyebrow at me, I shook my head.

"Come on girl, you look amazing." Lia tried.

I turned on my heel about to go change.

"You look pretty." A voice piped up, I turned back around with a raised eyebrow, the blonde haired man was now looking up, his eyes scanning me up and down, nodding almost to himself.


"Lie? Please, I don't have the energy to lie. You look cute so just take it." He deadpanned. Looking back down at his phone. A blush spread across my cheeks as I looked away, shyly going back into the dressing room.


What did she even see? She looked fine- she is fine. I sighed.
I heard a snicker next to me, I looked up, Soobin smirked down at me. I already know he's going to not let me live this down.


She walked back out in her original outfit which made her look strangely angelic but sexy all at once, as her and her friends walked to the cashier counter with their stuff, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I watched her hips sway, the way she pouted her cute, rosy lips. I bit mine in turn, wondering what they feel like...

"Done." Taehyun and Kai came to where me and Soobin were, Gyu following behind.

"Finally." Beomgyu groaned.

"Yeonjun is in love." Soobin didn't even bother to whisper. My attention snapped away from her back to Soobin, glaring at him.

"Impossible." Beomgyu snickered.

"Who?" Kai asked excitedly.
Soobin silently pointed to her, earning an ooh from the two of them.

"I never said I liked her." I clarified plainly.

"Yeah right." Kai giggled, nudging me.

I glanced at Taehyun to see his take, but I saw his eyes were hardened as he looked at her. Before I could ask, Kai was already pulling all of us to the register so we can go eat already.

When we came to the register, her and her friends were still there.

"Here, I don't want this." She handed the cashier the outfit I said looked good.

"Wait, why are you returning it?" One of her friends asked.

"I just don't like it." She huffed.
I raised an eyebrow, stepping past Kai I snatched the outfit from her hands and handing it to the cashier.

"How much?" I handed them my credit card before they even answered. I took the outfit back when it was paid for and pushed it into her arms.

"Take it." I said nonchalantly.

"I can't take this." She tried to hand it back to me but thankfully her friend stopped her, whispering into her ear. She shook her head at her friend and tried again at handing me the outfit.

" I really can't take this." She tried to reason.

"It's rude to return a gift." I deadpanned.

I could tell from her face she was about to retort but her friends spoke over her, in unison they are told me thank you before dragging her off with all their bunch of bags.

"So you don't love her?" Taehyun raised an eyebrow at me, causing the others in the back to snicker like little kids.

𝕎ᴀɴɴᴀʙᴇ  𝕋ᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ {ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇᴅ } •Where stories live. Discover now