"I just thought since he likes you and you are a guy means he is also gay" I mumbled.

"Zion how do you feel about me being gay?" He asked.

"Am I suppose to feel a certain way?" I asked confused.

"Thank you." He sighed in relief. "You are the first person who accepted me." He said smiling.

"Your parents have a problem with it?" I asked.

"The whole family, they all look at me like I'm sick or something, that's why I don't want to open up in school I can't handle being hated there too. Don't you see the way they treat Elliot?" He asked.

"I can never hate you, you did nothing wrong, your sexuality is no one business, it's who you are as a human that matters." I told him.

"I wish the whole world can understand that." He nodded.

"Does Carter and Sara know?" I asked.

"No I haven't told them"

"Good, I can boast of knowing first now" I smirked.

"I think Carter knows but she's waiting for me to open up to her when I'm comfortable."

"Will you do that?" I asked.

"Yeah, I was going to tell her first if you did not ask, she makes everything better, I had no doubt she will accept me she's like a big sister I never had. Don't tell her I said that though." He warned me.

"I'm so happy she's back." I smiled

"We all are." He said smiling too "Priscilla is also coming back today, did you know?" he asked

"Who travels to Australia for vacation during school period? How will she catch up with school work that she missed, she was gone for over a month."

"Yeah, but her father's money runs faster than Usain bolt it will help her." Ty laughed.

"Whatever, as long as she stays out of my face I don't care." I shrugged as we both walked inside the school.

"You got a new driver now?" Jay said standing in front of us.

"Are you jealous?" Tyrone cut in getting in between us. This guy is barely 5'10 in between a 6'1 and 6'3 but he doesn't care he still want to pass his message across.

"Jealous? No one wants Zion the dummy." He laughed awkwardly.

"Ignore him Ty," I pulled him away from Jay walking away. "He's a joke, I can't take him serious anymore." I rolled my eyes.

"He clearly wants to be friend with you again, he is just doing it the wrong way." Tyrone laughed.

"I can't hate him no matter how much I try to, he saved my brother's life so I will just ignore him instead." I mumbled.

"Good decision." Tyrone nodded. "Your girl is over there." he pointed towards Carter locker.

"See you around Ty." I waved walking toward Carter who was concentrating on whatever she was doing on her phone I placed a kiss on her neck getting her attention.

"Hey ZeeZee." She smiled.

"That's sounds so nice coming from your mouth." I laughed hugging her.

"Obviously, you look great what's the occasion?" she asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"I'm trying to turn you on, am I doing a good job?" I smiled.

"I don't know, do you think you are?" She whispered dragging her hand down to my lower stomach. My dick felt it immediately I don't know how she does it but since we had sex the first time just one touch from her and I'm ready to tear her clothes off.

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