23 - Highschool Bullshit.

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I went back to bed after eating and texting Ryan to help me pick Zion up from school since he is less busy.

My phone notification came on signalling I have a message I checked and it's from Ryan.

"Are you parent or siblings home?" His message read.

"No I'm home with Andrew what's up?" I texted back .

"Okay I'm pulling up right now." He replied.

I walked to my closet and picked out my Palm Angels hoodie and a jeans short wearing it over the Calvin Klein underwear I slept in.

"I'm coming upstairs." Ryan messaged me.

I dropped my phone and walked towards the door opening it for him... or them.

"What the bloody fuck happened?" I shouted as I stared at Zion in shock, blood all over him.

"Let's come in first." Ryan pushed me out of the way gently as he and Tyrone carried him inside and Squeaky walked in with his bag and jacket.

"What happened Ryan?" I asked again.

"Here is the fist aid kit and ice." Andrew walked into my room.

"Thanks Andrew." I took them from him turning to back to Zion.

"It's fine call me if you need anything." He said walking out of the room.

"Ryan I will ask you for the last time tell me what happened." I glared at him.

"He got jumped by some guys in your school, he passed out on the way here." He told me as he and Tyrone tried to put him down.

"Just fucking put him on the bed." I snapped.

"Are you sure you know you don't like people on your bed?"

"Put him down." I shouted, I am fucking pissed, I just want to punch something.

"Did you do anything to them?" I asked him.

"I couldn't, I had to get him out of there safe first but don't worry I got you." He told me.

I sighed as I stared at Zion on the bed there was a large cut at the top of his left eye brow that's where the blood is coming from. I picked the first aid box and walk towards him on the bed.

"Let me do it." Ryan took it from me opening it and getting to work. "He does not have any other injury right?" I asked him.

"Check for it." He said placing the cutting wool on Zion's face.

I pulled up his shirt to check there's a swell on his side but it's something ice and balm can fix

"We need to stitch this Carter." Ryan pointed towards the injury on his eyebrow.

"Can you do it?" I asked him. I can do it but I don't think I'm in the right state of mind right now.

"Sure." He nodded.

"I will see you guys at school tomorrow my little brother will be waiting." Tyrone said standing up from the chair.

"Thanks Ty." I said to him.

"You are welcome please take care of him." He pointed towards Zion.

"Bye Ty." Ryan greeted him before turning back to Zion.

"Are you okay?" Squeaky asked me in a calm tone.

"No I'm not, I want to kill someone why would they beat him up like this?" I said angrily.

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