chapter four

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Terushima pulled out a pistol from the hidden holster on his waist-band. "Whatever you do," he said dead-staring at me "" We went out my back door and I heard him pull out his phone and called one of the guys that were at my house, I assumed. "We were followed," he said whispering on the phone making sure the coast was clear. I didnʻt hear what the other person said because of things crashing on to the floor in my house. "Me and y/n are still safe but weʻll meet you at the outpost." he replied while hanging up. We made it toward the front but there were some guys in the front of my house "Y/n, run to that yellow lamborghini over there," he said looking into my eyes "whatever you do keep running, Iʻll be right behind you." he said showing a soft smile.

I heard him say "One," I could feel my heart racing "Two," What did I get myself into "Three!" and I ran and ran and ran as fast as I could to his car, I made it safe, but while running I heard one of the guys notice us but went after Terushima all I heard were gun shots and than I heard footsteps coming over Oh! Itʻs over, Iʻm dead, Iʻm so dead! "Y/n," Terushima said looking down at me with a hand extended "Hurry and get in the car." I hopped into the car and we were off.

"Who were they?" I said and I could tell that I was shaky because Terushima tried to put on a smile and said, "Donʻt worry who they are princess, Iʻll take care of you." He grabbed my hand and gave it a light squeeze before letting it go. I donʻt even know this man yet he makes me feel so comfortable and safe I thought to myself, then I remember what happened previous to the breaking and entering Nevermind that, heʻs just for show like most men anyways He started up the car and drove away as fast as Iʻve never driven before.

"So," I said "Where are we going and who is going to pay for my house?" he looked at me with one of his sly grins and said "Well, you remember that man last night?," "You mean the one you killed..." I said sarcastically "Yes, well he was part of that gang and the rest of his buddies came out for revenge." he said with a straight face, "And as for your house, itʻs not so safe youʻre by yourself anymore princess," he said with a caring tone in his voice "Theyʻve already seen you with us, so theyʻll be out for you too." Our previous conversation before the "gang" came popped in my head. "Wait," I said in a concerned tone "Donʻt worry youʻll have your own room and-" "No," I said looking at him "You were serious about being part of the Yakuza!?" he looked at me with the look of concern and care "Well, yeah I told you that didnʻt I," I nodded "Princess, you should know," he said as he came closer, looking into my eyes and inches away from my face "Iʻd never lie to you, why would I do that or hurt you." he said looking at my lips and playing with his tongue piercing Damn, he has a tongue piercing, heʻs actually hott- no no NO, he kidnapped you, end of story  He backed away and said grinning "Youʻre actually really cute when you blush princess." "Oh shut up, I wasnʻt blushing." he replied with a little laugh "Haha, okay whatever you say princess." And with that, the rest of the drive we didnʻt talk until we got to "the outpost".

A/N - Hello my readers, Iʻm sorry I havenʻt updated for a while but I have decided that I will update once a week and wonʻt be updating close to holidays. Iʻm sorry if this affects anybody but yeah peace out from author-chan😙

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